The Journal

2025 | 2024 | Ancient times

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2025-1-14 (♂): The Moon and Mars / Camcorder

Last night there was a Moon-Mars conjunction that was easy to see to the naked eye, even in my light pollution-infested suburb. I tried to take a photo of it with my cursed rectangle, but it seems obvious to me that I need a better camera for taking pictures of the sky... do you have any suggestions?

Speaking of cameras, my Samsung SCA30 camcorder has been with us for more than two decades. By now, all the batteries it came with are dead, so the only way I had to use it was plugged into the wall, which was really limiting. Imagine my joy when I could find working batteries online in 2025! I have a ton of blank 8mm tapes, so I can finally, once again, use this old camcorder the way it was meant to be.