I'm making music again? (or an announcement for Okay!)
Posted 2015-07-16. Last updated 2019-09-18.
I decided to start a new musical project. Why? You probably remember me saying that I would give up on music. Luckily for those weird people who want to listen to my stuff, I just can't quit trying. It's fun.
After releasing Alright last November, I hit a wall. I couldn't make anything good. Well, did I ever?
I spent months trying to make new stuff, but no drafts convinced me at all. Tired and annoyed of my lack of proficiency, I almost ragequit and sent everything to hell. Especially everything in my two Soundcloud accounts...(*)
Frankly, that wasn't the best mindset for me to have. I've been making bad loops for years (and even made some money out of them, can you believe it?), so it may be 2late2quit now.
I remember when I used to simply open FLStudio and write shit mindlessly. It's probably about damn time to go back to those less serious times, and have fun while I'm at it.
Alright was made purely by fucking around, after all.
Let's pretend I'm an actual musician for a sec: My new release will be titled "Okay".
It will be almost twice as long as Alright (12 tracks), while keeping about the same overall style, so expect weird sample loops and trashy breaks. The title (chosen by my good friend Kire), therefore, couldn't be any more appropriate.
So please look forward to it. I'll finish it eventually. You can see the cover art below:

(*) UPDATE (2019-09-18): I actually did this again later on, but I also deleted my Bandcamp page and everything else because I never learn. Whoops.