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¡Bienvenido al libro de visitas de! Siéntete libre de dejar un comentario sobre cualquier cosa que tengas en mente. Puedes publicar mensajes anónimamente e incluso subir imágenes; solo voy a borrar basura. ~~cidoku ## Admin No.1 Fijado Cerrado

Apparently「脚はイイぞ?」translates to "Legs are lit, though." These subtitlers, honestly! ~~Anonymous 2025-02-18(Tue)19:48:03 No.502

1738229903718426.jpg (234.32KB, 750x1000) I like the idea behind your reading list; maybe I should make my own.
Reading is nice, people should read more, generally.
This is my daughter, she reads a lot
I should be more like my daughter ~~涼宮書主 2025-02-17(Mon)15:28:44 No.501

Technology will solve all of humanity's problems. Be a techno-optimistic and embrace it. ~~Anonymous 2025-02-17(Mon)14:23:18 No.500

I stumbled by this thing completely by suprise. Good to be here. ~~Joseph Biell 2025-01-06(Mon)22:16:44 No.499

your website lacks vtuber content ~~Anonymous 2025-01-04(Sat)16:54:19 No.497
1 HI4kj-TPAQrfQkAdrw2KTA.png (232.14KB, 324x470) And that's a good thing. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2025-01-05(Sun)22:49:52 No.498

447066649_1121296515844790_2315039410892756240_n.j (46.06KB, 691x648) Happy new year again cidoku! (The new flash is cool by the way, glad to see you're still making them.) All the best! ~~bibo (from Coenin) 2025-01-02(Thu)16:25:11 No.494
milfie_dance.gif (117.28KB, 175x208) Oh man, happy new year, bibo! Another one gone, so many gone. Hope you have a great one too! (And thank you! I don't plan to stop making them any time soon. Flash will NEVER die) ~~cidoku ## Admin 2025-01-02(Thu)19:29:08 No.496

pEoqbqtLc4CcwDUDqxmEDSWpWTZ-3616172313.jpg (497.82KB, 1400x2100) How can I escape?

Tu fortuna: Vendrán tiempos difíciles. ~~Anonymous 2025-01-02(Thu)03:39:00 No.493
1563642783789.png_.png (121.77KB, 540x427) ~~cidoku ## Admin 2025-01-02(Thu)19:10:38 No.495

Your site is cool! ~~@artivadar 2024-12-28(Sat)15:58:46 No.489
Thanks, good luck on your site too. BTW, the cheat code is optional. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-12-28(Sat)16:44:12 No.491

*knock knock*
The girl of your dreams is at your door. Are you ready for her? ~~Anonymous 2024-12-26(Thu)11:20:26 No.488
I don't know, man. Girls are scary; dream girls even more so. Besides, they're probably fairies. :sad2: ~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-12-28(Sat)16:42:47 No.490
fairies are nice ~~Anonymous 2024-12-29(Sun)16:38:02 No.492