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¡Bienvenido al libro de visitas de! Siéntete libre de dejar un comentario sobre cualquier cosa que tengas en mente. Puedes publicar mensajes anónimamente e incluso subir imágenes; solo voy a borrar basura. ~~cidoku ## Admin No.1 Fijado Cerrado

Men who watch anime have unrealistic relationship expectations. Romantic love is a scam, an infantile obsession. Earlier versions of civilization recognized this, and fully accepted the desire for security, material well-being, and the possibility of children in long-term relationships, which is why they were arranged. Otherwise, men and women are fundamentally incompatible. There are few things in life as blatantly obvious as this. If the love of a good woman is your goal, try coming back in your next life as a poodle. ~~Anonymous 2025-03-23(Sun)14:15:06 No.506
fiction can change reality :-) ~~Anonymous 2025-03-23(Sun)17:27:20 No.507

No soy gay pero soy peruano y tengo una fantasía donde Perú invade Chile y Chile tiene que exportar esclavos femboys para satisfacer oficiales peruanos de alto rango. me imagino que soy un comandante poderoso alto, con una mandibula cuadrada y con músculos masivos.
Mi femboy es un pequeño chileno tímido con piel pálida que viene a mi habitación. Lo agarro con mis poderosos brazos y lo beso a la fuerza, presionando su pecho contra el mío. Lo tiro contra la cama con mis grandes brazos quitandole sus pequeños calzones vírgenes. Le muestro mi masivo mastodonte peruano, y después se la meto con todo, follandolo con una fuerza inhumana. cada movimiento lo hace gemir, y finalmente me corro en su pequeño culito chileno, dejando el semen corriendole por sus pequeñas nalgas, y después lo abrazo con mis grandes y fuertes brazos peruanos haciendolo dormir en mi pecho.
¿Algún otro hetero tiene este tipo de fantasías? ~~PjQNV 2025-03-12(Wed)23:22:57 No.505

Watching anime can open doors to demons it happened to my 12 year old niece who was a non saved Christian that watched anime. She became possessed when she went around two other teenagers, 19 year old bf and gf couple, anime watchers that were really heavy into anime, they had a horrible toxic anime relationship. Once they moved to another state she stayed in their room for two nights and after that she was vomiting black stuff and couldn’t stop, she had nothing in her stomach to eat and still kept vomiting black non stop for two days until she got delivered by her mom who had everyone praying for her at the time and she gave her life over to Christ that day. As soon as she gave her life to Christ she suddenly stopped vomiting and immediately felt better. I know she became possessed because of what she was saying and did around them and once they left the demon completely inhabited her body. My sweet 12 year old niece spoke of running over and killing little toddlers and suddenly hated my 4 year old who she absolutely loved beforehand. This is a true testimony with a lot of disturbing details left out. I pray for anyone that watches anime and that they wake up to the evil that anime is and that God separates them so that they have discernment to protect themselves and that they give their life over to Christ. I pray that any anime demonic strong hold leaves the mind, body and soul over any reader that is reading this right now, that these words that are inspired by God and delivered by his messenger will Pierce your soul and cleanse you from inside to outside and that the Holy Spirit fills you up with love, peace and joy. In Jesus name, amen. Kneel down afterwards and ask God for forgiveness for your sins and to save you from this evil world and that you want to be happy and delivered from your pain and misery. ~~Anonymous 2025-03-08(Sat)22:48:51 No.504

子供の匂い。。。 ~~皇帝 2025-02-22(Sat)14:31:22 No.503

Apparently「脚はイイぞ?」translates to "Legs are lit, though." These subtitlers, honestly! ~~Anonymous 2025-02-18(Tue)19:48:03 No.502

1738229903718426.jpg (234.32KB, 750x1000) I like the idea behind your reading list; maybe I should make my own.
Reading is nice, people should read more, generally.
This is my daughter, she reads a lot
I should be more like my daughter ~~涼宮書主 2025-02-17(Mon)15:28:44 No.501

Technology will solve all of humanity's problems. Be a techno-optimistic and embrace it. ~~Anonymous 2025-02-17(Mon)14:23:18 No.500

I stumbled by this thing completely by suprise. Good to be here. ~~Joseph Biell 2025-01-06(Mon)22:16:44 No.499

your website lacks vtuber content ~~Anonymous 2025-01-04(Sat)16:54:19 No.497
1 HI4kj-TPAQrfQkAdrw2KTA.png (232.14KB, 324x470) And that's a good thing. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2025-01-05(Sun)22:49:52 No.498