woah the place looks spooky today! I just dropped by to say hi
~~pseudo 2024-10-25(Fri)13:40:21
It'll be like this all month! Hope life's treating you well.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-10-25(Fri)15:59:16
Yo cid, I've been wondering, have you written about your method of generating pages for this site? I can't seem to find anything about it. I've been working with some hackish self developed Javascript for about a year now but I'm shopping around for ideas because mine feels really stupid and selfish (a lot of stuff is loaded by the user). Also JS in general is just very frustrating to write as someone not used to async logic, very tiring for me and has killed my motivation to work on my site.
I see you're self-hosted and you've got some fancy stuff set up like RSS, so I imagine you've got some form of script helping you out with generating static? Just an assumption. I'll probably wind up writing my own static site generator at this rate, because I love punishing myself reinventing the wheel, lol. Hope you're having a good day as always.
~~pseudo 2024-10-26(Sat)13:13:31
I don't use a static site generator at all. The server software I use comes with a nice templating engine that I use to include the navigation bar, place decorations and change backgrounds, have common <body> attributes and <meta> tags for all pages, switch languages when you go to cidoku.net/es, etc, and also some more complex stuff. Some seemingly dynamic pages like eternal 2020 and the hourly Precure card are actually built server-side using the templating engine. But all the templates are written by hand, and so is the rest of the site. No pages are generated from markdown or similar, I write all the HTML myself. The pages on the guestbook are the only ones that are generated, of course.
My RSS feed is edited by hand too; I have a bash script I wrote some time ago to update it that I don't use anymore because I can't figure out if RSS updates should include full text or just a description. I'm too lazy to update my RSS feed anyway.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-10-26(Sat)14:26:56
If you feel comfortable sharing, I'd like to know what server software you're using. As for the RSS, my feed reads the title and timestamp and I just click on anything I find interesting. I don't know if that helps at all, but I was considering subscribing so I appreciate that info
I'm shocked to hear anyone would edit their RSS feed by hand though. Madness!
~~pseudo 2024-10-26(Sat)19:20:25
No can do, friend. Security through obscurity. Anyway, it doesn't matter what server software I use, what matters is that it has a templating engine, and many of the available options do. Well, I said I'm too lazy to update my feed, but I do update it when I add something big to the site; it's not abandoned. That is, I'd love it if you subscribed to it but don't expect frequent updates.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-10-26(Sat)19:42:48
Nooo, my plan is foiled. How will I hax0rs u now? But yeah that's perfectly understandable. I just thought it sounded like a generator rather than something security related, but yea anyway! I appreciate your time. You'll be the first to know when my site opens up to the public. I'm super shy about the state of it right now and keep it closed to the world...
RSS: Less frequent updates are great, I have two feeds in the works. One for news I want to know immediately and then the other is a low priority set I check manually. I toss blogs and whatnot into the manual one, so that works fine for me~ Good to know it's not dead-dead.
~~pseudo 2024-10-26(Sat)20:09:47
>You'll be the first to know when my site opens up to the public.
That makes me happy. Mail me the URL when it's done if you don't feel comfortable sharing it here. Good luck!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-10-26(Sat)20:29:04