¿Yéndote ya? Navegante, antes de ir al muelle, revisa mi catálogo de destinos de ultramar. Desde que tengo memoria que se cuentan historias sobre esos valientes exploradores que aceptaron la llamada a la aventura y navegaron las vastas e inclementes aguas de la Red, a veces sin rumbo y arriesgando sus vidas, para traer de vuelta consigo recuerdos, conocimiento y conexiones. Este catálogo es un humilde intento de ser como ellos. Pero incluso hoy, y aunque pareciera que los mapas ya están llenos, todavía quedan muchos lugares por ver y secretos que descubrir allá afuera. Quién sabe; quizá tú podrías ser el siguiente gran explorador. ¡Buen viaje!
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Gracias a todos los que vinculan a cidoku.net. ¿Quieres que agregue tu botón? Contáctame.
Amapy es un ilustrador chileno. En su sitio puedes encontrar sus dibujos y su webcomic between/poles.
Angel Eye Springs
Amy's personal site features musings, crochet, drawings, and Precure.
An enjoyer of cute things, Michi's personal site features an art blog, shrines, icons, and layouts.
BMH Online
A beautiful old-school site featuring a lot. Vintage tech musings, book notes, a live webcam...
capstasher's Corner
capstasher is an archivist and enjoyer of antiques and oddities. The site's beautiful design reminds me of ink illustrations in old books. Do check out the 88x31 button collection.
A site by art student Lume. Features some wonderful illustrations and paintings, some done in watercolor (truly the most charming medium for paintings).
Another minimalistic site with a witch mascot. Visit the directory to find some of the author's reminiscences and graphics.
Digital Hallucination
Another small site. Has a directory of private servers for some online games.
Doritochan001's website
Dori's site. She's an illustrator with a super cute style. I like this site a lot, you should go see it!
Emerald Coast
A personal site with unfinished subpages for some of the author's interests: anime, pokemon, and SEGA.
Greco Moran's Website
A personal museum for art and ramblings. The author's main interest is 3D renders made in POV-Ray.
holeinmyheart is a writer above all else. Most curious are his solutions to Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry.
In Torpor
Thought-provoking essays on the beauty of life and the lies of society. Deep ecology, simple living, herbalism.
Koshka's Kingdom
A site by a proudly autistic guy who worships cats. Many interesting articles in the Library of Babel section. A must visit.
A personal site and blog about technology, birds, and singing synths. Very interesting is the World Wide Web Theory
section; do check it out.
Gloomin makes comics and games in a deceptively cute style. Very nice!
A blog dedicated to 2000s nostalgia and internet culture. One of my favorites.
Lyrical Tokarev
Known IP logger. Do not enter!
Mister Dizzy
This site features a daily blog about life and technology and a library of interesting text and pdf files.
mr pibbs site
A blog and collection of things. Simple and good.
Occasionally, content
Art, writing, comics, and photos. Gorgeous ink illustrations!
A very stylish site with very stylish art and projects. Has a blog. Reminiscent of early 2000s web design flash portfolios; if you know you know.
Primordial Dungeon
Explore the hypertext hallways of Lady Nymph's castle.
Projet103's RGB Teahouse
A site by visual artist PJ. The main section is the gallery, which features very charming illustrations, many drawn traditionally!
An omnium-gatherum of the author's multiple interests: photography, media reviews, and writing. I don't know why, but his "Douche-English dictionary" is hilarious!
A beautifully designed site with much content to view - photos, especially. One of my favorites.
The Satyrs' Forest
Xanthe's site has so much different stuff in it that it's difficult to describe in a single line of English. Feels really free!
ShadowM00n’s Summit
A personal blog with technical articles and video game reminiscences.
A blog about software freedom maximalism, digital privacy and security, among other issues.
A site by a very well-read guy. His writings' topics range from environmental conservation to otaku culture, all of them passionate.
andwn is the strongest gamedev I know. He helped with a lot of amazing games, but his most impressive project (in my opinion) is his port of Cave Story for the Sega Mega Drive. Needless to say, I admire him a lot.
Space Bruce
Bruce is a a computer lad and hobbyist programmer who likes working on games. Has a blog.
Steen likes weird programming languages, VR games, and reading manga. His blog features lots of programming-related articles.
Incomplete perfection and complete imperfection. A wonderful blog dedicated to the suboptimalist philosophy, media studies, and cultural commentary.
Drummy's site. The main attraction is the Less Retarded Wiki, an insightful and thought-provoking wiki about technology and society.
A simple text-based blog. Simple living, philosophy, hermeticism, math, neo-luddism. Updated very often.
Archivos y enlaces
Project Gutenberg
Digital library of public domain works.
Library Genesis
The digital library for everything else.
Anna's Archive
A metasearch engine for Z-Library, Library Genesis, and Sci-Hub.
Free public domain audiobooks.
(Archived copy) Another file directory.
Motores de búsqueda y repositorios de enlaces
Peelopaalu Link Directory
A directory listing with an immense amount of interesting and obscure sites.
Link aggregation for cyberpunk-related content.
A search engine for the classic web.
Marginalia Search Engine
An independent search engine that focuses on non-commercial content.
A large web directory curated by humans, not algorithms.
Virtual Vault
A collection of links to cool, weird and interesting webpages with an old-school feel.
Million Short
A search engine that will remove the top 100-1000000 most popular sites from its results (in theory).
1MB Club / The 512KB Club / The 250KB Club / The NoJS Club! / No CSS Club
Directories of sites under a megabyte / 512 / 256 kilobytes / that don't use Javascript / style sheets.
Piracy Index
A collection of digital piracy resources.
The All-Embracing Library
A massive 501 GB book collection organized by topics such as mathematics, physics, psychology, self improvement, survivalism, fiction, comics, magazines, conspiracy (beware!), etc. Also contains the author's meme collection, for some reason.
VNanashi's Flash Collection
Anon's personal Flash collection of over 6000 flashes, with sources and info.
Addenda to VNanashi's Flash Collection
A few unorganized extra files missing from the previous torrent.
Religión, esoterismo y folclor
An encyclopedia of Greek mythology.
Encyclopedia Mythica
An encyclopedia on general mythology, folklore, and religion.
Aztec Calendar
A site about the Aztec/Mexica religion.
Shinto Portal - IJCC, Kokugakuin University
A site dedicated to Shinto, the traditional Japanese religion.
Internet Sacred Text Archive
An archive of online books on religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric.
Twilit Grotto: Archives of Western Esoterica
A site featuring the esoteric writings of Agrippa, Giordano Bruno, John Dee, etc., and various other anonymous grimoires and texts.
A library of occult texts.
An internet index of the paranormal, occult, and inexplicable.
Guardian's Egypt Main Gate
An old-school site about Ancient Egypt.
The mythology of Ancient Egypt
An encyclopedia of Egyptian mythology.
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
A collection of folk and fairy texts maintained by folklorist D. L. Ashliman.
SurLaLune Fairy Tales
An extensive database of over five thousand fairy tales from all over the world.
Why Wiccans Suck
A hilarious rant calling out insincere Wiccans, also known as fluff bunnies.
The Fairyist
A revival of the Fairy Investigation Society, albeit with no apparent connection to the original. If you're investigating fairies, then this site might answer some of your questions.
Fae Web
A new site aiming to become the ultimate directory of sites and media related to fairies. Although promising, beware of the author's otherkinist bias, if you, like me, aren't into that kinda thing.
Aeclectic Tarot
A database of over 2000 different tarot decks, with sample images.
Enter your will and get a sigil. Consecration not included.
Hellenic Month Established Per Athens
An adaptation of the old Athenian calendar for the modern world.
Hellenion's Calendar
Another adaptation of the old Athenian calendar for our times. A work in progress, this is based on the calendar in the previous link, with some slight differences. Hellenion is a United States-based (reconstructionist) Hellenic polytheist church.
A website dedicated to astrology with lots of articles and ancient texts. Traditional flavor!
A vastly customizable astrology software with lots of features. Free and open source.
Cosas interesantes
Gode Cookery
A ring of sites dedicated to medieval cooking. There are hundreds of recipes taken straight from the original sources, as well as translated and adapted for the contemporary cook.
Encyclopedia of Death and Dying
Articles about death.
Res Obscura
A blog cataloguing obscure stuff. No longer being updated, it seems.
The Racial Slur Database
A dictionary of racial epithets and the like. Forbidden words.
An encyclopedia of hairstyles and haircuts.
Lolita History Gallery
A massive gallery dedicated to Lolita fashion, containing thousands of scans from out of print fashion magazines.
A catalogue of lolita fashion items for reference and research.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This one has everything - it's ridiculous how good it is! An indispensable resource.
A site dedicated to the study of heraldy and blazonry with online creation tools.
A gallery of coats of arms from around the world.
The Classic Typewriter Page
All about typewriters.
Old Book Illustrations
A gallery of public domain illustrations from old books categorized. You can browse by subject, author and title.
The Copyfree Initiative
A movement that advocates for the use of permissive licenses for creative works.
Free access to millions of research papers and books.
12ft Ladder
Bypass most paywalls by prepending 12ft.io/ to the URL of a paywalled page.
Oldfriend Archive
An archive hosting over ten million 4chan posts from 2005-2008.
Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution
An interesting article about the death of subcultures and communities at the hands of sociopaths. A must read.
Low-Tech Magazine
Low-tech Magazine questions the belief in technological progress, and highlights the potential of past knowledge and technologies for designing a sustainable society.
The website of author John Michael Greer. Ecology, spirituality, and the future of industrial society.
Un sitio sobre Chile y el idioma español.
Aves de Chile
Un catálogo de las aves de Chile.
David Rumsey Map Collection
A collection of more than 150000 rare maps.
Old Maps Online
More historical maps.
Matemáticas y lógica
Sitios sobre matemática
Logic Matters
Home of the Teach Yourself Logic guide by Peter Smith.
Jeff Miller pages
Features collections of math trivia, such as the earliest use of some terms or symbols.
Cantor's Attic
Infinities big and small. Not a lot of content, but interesting nonetheless.
Large numbers
A detailed page on the ways to build absurdly big numbers.
Joel David Hamkins
A blog about mathematics and the philosophy and the infinite.
Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics
An online textbook on set theory, algebra, formal arithmetic, etc.
A mathematics encyclopedia.
Wolfram MathWorld
Another big one.
An online compendium of mathematical proofs.
A wiki about group theory, groups, and their properties.
Database of Ring Theory
A repository of rings, their properties, and other ring theory stuff.
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Also known as OEIS, a database of integer sequences and their properties.
MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
An encyclopedia with more than 3000 biographies of mathematicians and thousands more articles about the history of mathematics.
A database of mathematical proofs constructed from scratch from various different systems of axioms.
Googology Wiki
A wiki dedicated to large numbers.
Math news aggregator.
LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition.
Like pastebin except with LaTeX support.
Randomly generated mathematics research papers. Very funny.
The proof is trivial!
Generate trivial proofs for trivial statements.
Complex Function Plotter
Graph complex functions, including custom ones. Colorful and powerful.
Ordinal Explorer Online
Starting from some large uncountable ordinal, build a list of as many ordinals smaller and greater than it as you want.
Draw Ordinals
Visualize the ordinals up to εε0.
An extensive index of ancient language resources.
DeepL Translate
Miles better than anything else of its sort online.
Look up words in any language and listen to them pronounced by (hopefully) native speakers.
So You Want To learn Japanese...
An essential essay for those looking into learning Japanese.
DJT Guide
A site featuring probably every single resource on Japanese you'll ever need.
A Japanese grammar guide.
Learn Japanese
The classic guide to learning Japanese by Tae Kim.
NHK News Web Easy
News in easy Japanese.
Itazuraneko Novel Library
Tens of thousands of Japanese ebooks available in html and epub formats (epubs are hosted on Mega).
Search the TMW and PeepoHappyBooks ebook collections.
Japanese subtitles for a variety of shows (that you have downloaded illegally, of course).
Watch anime online with Japanese subtitles.
A Japanese dictionary.
Another dictionary. Features a list of Japanese media with word count and difficulty ratings.
A pop-up word lookup tool for web browsers with Anki integration and extensive dictionary support; pretty much the standard now.
10ten Japanese Reader
Another pop-up word lookup tool, but this one is based on the classic Rikaichan extension.
This one can be used with Pale Moon and similar browsers. Has Anki integration, but you won't find many dictionaries for it.
Ttsu Reader
An ebook reader for the browser that displays vertical text by default.
Practice reading Japanese words or play shiritori with friends and bots.
A manga reader for the browser meant to read OCR'd manga compatible with popup dictionaries. Get titles to read from the catalog.
Bret Mayer's Kanji
Learn Japanese proverbs, idioms, ateji, kokuji, ijidokun, etc, from a legend who's beaten the hardest kanken.
Lingua Latina per se Illustrata series
The magnum opus of Hans Ørberg and indisputably the best way to learn a language.
Latin by the Dowling Method
One of the many methods to learn Latin.
Everyday news in Latin.
Latin Language Stack Exchange
Also accepts questions about Ancient Greek.
Scorpio Martianus
Spoken Latin and Ancient Greek videos by the very talented Luke Ranieri.
Another channel by the same guy. Features some very good Latin content that's not in Scorpio Martianus, among other varied stuff.
Numen - Latin Lexicon
An online Latin dictionary and study tool.
Lexicon Morganium
Dictionary of new Latin terms.
Hiberna Caroli Raetici
Some reading material in Latin, ordered by fluency level.
The Latin Library
A digital library of Latin texts, ancient and modern.
Corpus Scriptorum Romanorum
Another library of Latin texts.
Bibliotheca Augustana
And another one.
PHI Latin Texts
And yet another one.
A library of Latin and Greek verse with meter indicators.
Latin is Simple
A latin dictionary, sentence analysis tool and library.
Perseus Word Study
A tool for morphological analysis of inflected Latin words.
Ab Urbe Condita
A site that tells you how many years have passed since the founding of Rome.
lipu sona pona
A thorough toki pona course recommended by many, although I haven't used it. Available in multiple languages.
Toki Pona Dictionary
An interactive Toki Pona dictionary with sitelen pona hieroglyphs.
Navega y escucha
One of the biggest catalogues of free-to-listen music on the Internet. Sucks for uploaders though.
Listen to music and buy it directly from the artists. Probably one of the best sites on the web.
Camp Explorer
A Bandcamp search tool.
Internet Radio Browser
Internet radio streams for all tastes.
Commercial-free, listener-supported radio.
DKFM Shoegaze Radio
The largest purveyor of shoegaze and dream pop in the known universe.
You are listening to Los Angeles
Ambient music and police radio broadcasts.
Streaming computer and demoscene artists 24/7.
lw's modradio
Random tracks from The Mod Archive.
Music for Programming
An excellent series of mixes focused on ambient music and intended for listening while programming to focus the brain and inspire the mind
A popular module player for Windows.
Tauon Music Box
A nice music player for the Linux desktop that's packed with features.
Teoría de la música
Open Music Theory
An open source, online textbook for college-level music theory courses.
A site for learners of music theory.
Another site for learning music theory. Has articles in Spanish.
A professional digital workstation for working with audio and MIDI. Great on Linux!
An old-school tracker derived from FastTracker II.
A free and open source tracker for Windows and Wine.
The biggest multi-system chiptune tracker ever made.
Linux Multimedia Studio
A free and open source FL Studio-like sequencer. Awful for audio editing and recording and development is slow.
Composition and notation software.
The Trackers' Handbook
An old resource all about the usage of trackers.
How to create "modern" effects in oldskool tracker modules
An article explaining how to work around the limitations of trackers to do echo, reverb, filters, etc.
Synth1 (25000 presets)
A classic VST plugin for Windows modeled after the Clavia Nord Lead 2.
BPM calculator and counter
A tool that allows you to calculate tempo and count beats per minute by tapping any key to the rhythm or beat.
Acid Machine 2
An online 303 and drum kit emulator.
Audio Plugins for Free
A catalogue of free instrument and effect plugins for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Plugins 4 Free
Another similar site.
Oldschool 90s Sample CDs Archive (Torrent / Direct download)
A collection of more than 500 GB of sample CDs from the 90s. I need a new drive, and so do you.
PolyVolcaWeb for volca sample2
A web application for using a KORG volca sample2 as a stereo 8-voice polyphonic sample-based synth.
IMSLP - Petrucci Music Library
Virtual library of public domain music scores.
Free sheet music for piano, guitar, flute and more. Community-supported.
An alternative to the previous site.
Ichigo's sheet music
Scores for anime and game music.
Josh's anime sheet music collection
More anime and game sheet music.
Sperion no Sora
Even more anime and game sheet music.
Artistas y repositorios
The Mod Archive
One of the world's biggest collections of music modules.
Osamu Sato Archives
Everything that has to do with the man who made LSD: Dream Emulator, not just his music.
The site of musician and animator pigmhall. Thank you for the animation of the cute girl.
Super Eurobeat / Initial D Music Collection
A thread in the Initial D fan forum with links to pretty much every major Super Eurobeat release.
Viper the Rapper album collection
All of Viper's major albums, compiled by his close associate and video editor kettleonwater. Also check out One Day You'll See Me Again, a bootleg made by dismissyourself as a melancholic celebration to Viper's best.
A site dedicated to archiving lolicore music, a style that is a variant of speedcore, which is a variant of breakcore.
A classic site with more than 30 thousand video game music MIDIs.
The official site of Varg Vikernes and the black metal band Burzum.
Animé y manga
Sekai no Hajimari
A Haibane Renmei fan page.
Yatpay's Haibane Shrine
Another Haibane Renmei fan page.
Future Gadget Lab
The official site of Steins;Gate's Future Gadget Lab. It also used to be available in very broken English.
Divergence Meter Project
Anon's design for a working divergence meter, as seen in Steins;Gate, with building instructions.
Alpha Café
A fan site dedicated to Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.
Monogatari Series Titlecard Generator
Show your inner monologue in style with this generator.
Finding Tomorrow
An Ashita no Nadja fansite.
Rumic World
A site dedicated to the work of Takahashi Rumiko, the celebrated author of Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Ranma 1/2, and others.
A directory for anime, manga, video games and other Japanese pop-culture links.
Baka-Updates Manga
A database of manga metadata, focusing on scanlations.
Manga Fonts
An investigation into what fonts are used in manga.
Settei Dreams
A massive collection of model works and other production materials for various series.
Precure MEGA and Precure endcards
Precure artbooks, manga, music, novels, etc.
Cute anime pictures. Has a very broad definition of "safe for work."
Anime wallpapers (safe for work).
Watch thousands of anime openings and endings.
Seasonal charts and anime news aggregator.
Random Anime Generator
If you have no idea what to watch next, this site will give you a
list of randomly selected titles for you to pick from.
The Fansub Database
A site that lists who's subbing what shows in the current season. It doesn't have much use nowadays, since basically everything gets simulcast with the exception of super obscure stuff for which the database may still be useful.
La red
Archive.org Ripper
A script to download books from the Internet Archive.
An alternative frontend to Fandom wikis.
Quick and easy file upload for online sharing.
Delta Chat
A chat program that uses e-mail for communication. It doesn't require a phone number and supports E2E encryption.
A reference site for old-school web design standards such as HTML 4 and CSS 2.
A list of instances of Invidious, Teddit, etc. Updated often.
A tool to measure your website's performance, the size of its requests, etc.
History of the browser user-agent string
A humorous article explaining the mess behind user-agent strings.
HTML 4.01 Specification
The HTML 4.01 standard, all you need to build good web pages.
How I experience the Web today
An emulation of the modern Web experience.
Another great reference site for old-school web designers. If you're interested in designing your site with vintage browsers in mind, the HTML/CSS feature compatibility charts will be very useful to you.
IE6 No More
In 2009 IE6 still had a 10-20% market share, so a group of web designers frustrated with its pervasiveness launched this campaign to rid the Web of it.
An open source alternative front-end to YouTube.
Let's Decentralize
A site dedicated to darknets and decentralized services such as Tor, I2P, XMPP, etc. Has a decent collection of links to hidden services.
Marginalia Easy Read Wikipedia
An encyclopedia based on Wikipedia's database but with most links and visual clutter stripped for a more book-like experience.
NetSurf Web Browser
A fast and tiny browser that supports most of HTML 4 and CSS 2.
A free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy and performance.
No-JavaScript fingerprinting
A very spooky demo that uses HTTP metadata and CSS hacks to show you can be tracked even without JavaScript. I wonder if NetSurf is immune.
A simple alternative frontend for Pixiv, the art website.
Rediscovering the Small Web
Away from the commercial web, there's a web that is unpolished, often quirky but often also fun, creative and interesting.
Robin’s HTML 4.0 Conformance Test
An educational site with HTML 4 demos that all browsers should support.
An alternative frontend to Medium.
Simple Web
A collection of Javascript-less frontends to various services.
Discover random sites at the press of a button.
An alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy.
Terms of Service; Didn't Read
A community project which aims to clearly explain many websites's terms of service and rate them
in a scale from A (very good) to E (terrible).
reckless, infinite scope of web browsers
It's impossible to build a new web browser because the web is absurdly complex.
The Useless Web
Press the button to be sent to a useless site.
The Website Obesity Crisis
An article about the absurd bloat of sites that ultimately only deliver text and images.
Probably the only no-bullshit tweet-wiping service. Use it for online hygiene,
though nothing beats not using Twitter in the first place.
Wayback Machine Downloader
A tool to download an entire website from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Web Bloat Score Calculator
This tool compares the size of a page to a screenshot of its content, giving
you an idea of how bloated it is.
The most powerful tool on the web is still words.
Desarrollo y sistemas operativos
Anime Girls Holding Programming Books
A repository collecting images of anime girls holding programming
books. There's also an interactive version available
but it doesn't have as many images.
comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and answers about the C programming language originally posted to Usenet.
Programming in C
A lot of pages about the history and culture of C, including a parody of the comp.lang.c FAQ.
A repository of community driven documentation you can access from the command line.
Collapse OS
An operating system meant to be run in improvised machines after civilisational collapse.
An excellent free and open source 2D and 3D game engine.
Online regex tester and debugger.
Visual novel engine written in Python.
A free and open source resource editor for Win32 programs. Use this instead of Resource Hacker.
A graphical operating system that aims to be a love letter to '90s user interfaces with a custom Unix-like core.
Sega Genesis Development Kit
Write games for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive in C.
Software that sucks less.
A color scheme designer for your terminal.
Vanilla JS
A fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework for building incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.
A blog about the inconsistencies of Javascript.
Escritura e investigación
Download documents from Scribd, Issuu, Slideshare, etc. Kinda shady.
Download full offline copies of Wikipedia, Stack Exchange, and others.
Word processor for the terminal.
A graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of personal wiki pages.
Computación clásica
A website about 2-bit graphics, an aesthetic I very much enjoy.
3D Pipes Screensaver
The classic Windows 9x screensaver.
Ancient Web Browsers
An archive of the earliest web browsers.
Make your XFCE desktop look like Windows 95.
Escargot Chat
A custom chat server that brings MSN/Windows Live Messenger back to life!
Flash Kitty
An archive of the defunct Flash Kit site, a resource site for Flash developers.
Flash Player Archives (Wayback Machine mirror)
All archived versions of Flash Player, for every system.
Game Maker Network
A site dedicated to preserving old versions of Game Maker and its addons. For nostalgia purposes.
Getting updates and software for Old Windows versions
A big list of software that runs in old versions of Windows, with a focus on XP.
How to Continue Using Flash Player in the Web Browser
A guide that teaches you how to install and use Flash Player in your browser past 2021.
Interface Hall of Shame
A collection of interface design atrocities in software.
Introduction to Windows XP
A mirror of the non-interactive version of the Windows XP tour.
JS Paint
A javascript-based remake of MS Paint.
A javascript-based remake of the first version of Kid Pix, an old painting program for children.
Legacy Update
A community-run resource to help you fix the Windows Update service on Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, and Server 2008.
Mermaid Elizabeth's Microsoft Chat Resources Link Page
A site for everything related to Microsoft Comic Chat.
Museum of Obsolete Media
A collection of media formats, both old and new.
Nathan's Toasty Technology page
Home of the classic "IE is Evil" and GUI gallery pages, among others.
An HTTP proxy for Neocities, so you can browse those sites in devices and browsers that don't support HTTPS.
One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age
A blog dedicated to the exploration and restoration of the sites in the Archive Team Geocities backup.
A Firefox 2-based browser targeting Windows 95 and NT4 that supports TLS 1.2.
A live schedule of currently airing shortwave radio stations.
The Errorflow
A Windows XP-themed error simulator.
The Old Net
A tool that uses the Wayback Machine API and a proxy to browse the web on old computers.
The Restart Page
Experience the rebooting experience from vintage operating systems.
Utilu IE Collection
A program for Windows that will install multiple standalone versions of Internet Explorer, all usable at the same time. I use it in a VM to test how my site renders on IE 4 and 5.
The biggest free abandonware downloads collection in the universe.
VidLii - Display Yourself
The only good revival of old Youtube.
Web Design Museum
A gallery of over 2000 websites that show the web design trends between 1991 and 2006.
A reimplementation of Winamp 2.9 in HTML 5 and JavaScript.
Windows 98 Icons are Great
A short article in which the author expresses his love for classic Windows icons.
Windows Classic Theme Designer
Allows you to create themes for legacy versions of Windows without actually running them.
Windows Explorer Through The Years
An extensive look at all the different versions of the Windows file manager.
Vintage, abandoned, and pre-release operating systems and software.
Artículos generales y demases
Spyware Watchdog
A site that aims to disclose the spyware contained in everyday programs and classify them by severity.
A blog about privacy and society.
The Cursed Computer Iceberg
A bunch of links to weird stuff related to computers.
The Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the Internet
A blog dedicated to teaching readers how to save as much money as possible on useful computers and Internet services.
Digipress Commons
A site dedicated to digital preservation.
A QR code encoding the EICAR test file will crash some surveillance systems.
GNOME has no thumbnails in the file picker
And my toilets are blocked. Note: GTK 4.10 finally added the feature.
A 42374 byte-long zipped file that will uncompress to 165 4.3 GB files.
A repository collecting the smallest possible syntactically valid files in various formats.
A userscript for better Pixiv image viewing.
An alternative Discord client. It's only better than the official client because it's not a web app.
A user script that will allow you to delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM.
Waifu2X (Alternative)
Image upscaler using neural networks.
A collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world.
The largest collection of malware source code, samples, and papers on the internet.
A collection of ancient computer virus source code.
A repository of live malware with a Python interface for browsing and retrieval.
Free Malware Sample Sources
A bunch of sites from which you can download actual live malware.
Para jugar
Online multiplayer tetromino game.
Like Jstris, but pretty.
Infinite Minesweeper game.
VIP Games
Free card and board games to play with friends online.
An online Riichi Mahjong simulator in which nothing is automated.
Hot Death Uno
Funny, dumb and sadistic Uno variant.
A game that's played in the title bar.
A web-based nation simulation game.
A free and open source reimplementation of RPG Maker 2000/2003.
Panel Attack
A very accurate, free, open-source, online multiplayer Panel de Pon / Tetris Attack clone.
An open source voxel game engine. If you like Minecraft, this is for you.
Play Melty Blood!
The poverty fighting game by excellence. Download the community edition and have fun.
The Cutting Room Floor
A wiki dedicated to unearthing and researching unused and cut content from video games.
A repository of Japanese game development-related translations covering primarily arcade and console games from the 80s-90s.
Emulation General Wiki
A wiki dedicated to all things related to video game emulation.
/v/'s Recommended Games Wiki
A wiki dedicated to showcasing the best games on every system and featuring miscellaneous lists and guides.
Hard Drop
A wiki dedicated to Tetris.
Sonic Retro
The Sonic the Hedgehog resource second only to Sega.
Lemma Soft Forums
A forum dedicated to the discussion and creation of visual novels, with a focus on the Ren'Py software. Very active.
Japanese Mahjong Wiki
A wiki dedicated to Japanese Mahjong.
vgperson's Stuff
The site of one of the most prolific translators of Japanese indie games. She's done more than just games, so don't miss it!
It Runs Doom!
A blog dedicated to showcasing Doom running everywhere.
How Flash games shaped the video game industry
An article celebrating the influence of Flash on gaming, with retrospective comments by the creators of Flash and the people whose lives were changed by it.
Worms Knowledge Base
A wiki dedicated to the Worms games, specifically the classic 2D entries. Full of technical info.
ScaleyFoxy's Sonic Fan Game Archive
A site dedicated to the archival of late 90s to early 2000s Sonic fan games. Pretty odd design.
PSO2 Skill Simulator
A tool for planning the development of your PSO2 character. Game's dead though.
Bad Time Simulator (Sans Fight)
The final boss of Undertale in your browser.
Monkey Island Inflation
Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game,
but adjusted for inflation.
Umineko screenshot generator
Make Beatrice insult Battler in any way you could imagine. It's like magic!
YoYo Games Archive
A searchable archive of the YoYo Games Sandbox, a portal that allowed people to upload and play Game Maker games that existed from 2007 to 2014.
SCUM Games
Games for TempleOS.
Touhou Project
Touhou Wiki
A wiki dedicated to the Touhou Project.
Moriya Shrine
A site for all sorts of downloads related to Touhou, official and fan-made.
Touhou Patch Center
A community effort to translate all Touhou games. Home of
a tool that patches the games with community-provided translations as they run so prepatched
binaries are no longer necessary.
Maribel Hearn's Touhou Portal
A big collection of resources for the Touhou community.
Easy Modo
Ehhh, really?
A handy Touhou site.
Home of create.swf and many other classic Touhou flash animations.
Yume Nikki
A wiki dedicated to Yume Nikki and its fangames.
Yume Nikki and Fangames Online
Play Yume Nikki, 2kki, .flow, and other fangames online with others. Use an adblocker to hide the onscreen controls. Server and client code is free.
Yume Nikki Online Project
Same thing, but with fewer games.
An imageboard dedicated to Yume Nikki.
A booru-style imageboard dedicated to Yume Nikki illustrations.
Madotsuki's Closet
Another Yume Nikki fansite.
Yume Nikki Fan Game Archive
A repository dedicated to the backup of most if not all Yume Nikki fan games.
The homepage of the group of the same name dedicated to finding KIKIYAMA's lost works. They've successfully found and publicly archived versions 0.04, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08 and 0.09 of Yume Nikki.
Puyo Puyo
Puyo Nexus
A site dedicated to Puyo Puyo. The wiki contains a lot of info about the games and related material, and the recently closed forums hold some downloadable treasures that you'll have to find.
Puyo Puyo VS
An online multiplayer Puyo Puyo clone. Now free and open source!
The Puyo Puyo Library
A gallery of scans of Puyo Puyo manuals and covers. There's also an article about Puyo Puyo Box.
Hardcore Gaming 101's Puyo Puyo articles (Alternative)
An excellent series of 11 articles telling the long history of the series, all the way from its birth to its 20th anniversary game.
Puyo Puyo Preservation Place
A blog dedicated to the archival of promotional material, assets, and other miscellaneous Puyo Puyo stuff.
Suzuran Library
An archive of rare Puyo Puyo / Madou Monogatari games.
Precise Museum
A Puyo Puyo fan translation group.
Recursos para arte
Free resources for game creation.
Royalty free music, sound effects, and textures by Eric Matyas.
Hummer's list of drawing tutorials
A comprehensive list of drawing books with download links.
Color scheme generator.
Another one.
Color Hunt
A database of color palettes.
A site dedicated to pixel art resources and tutorials. Great because of the palettes section!
Doodad Pattern Generator
A royalty-free tiling pattern generator.
Poly Haven
The public domain (CC0) 3D asset library.
Thousands upon thousands of public domain cliparts.
More than 160k hand-picked images from over 2500 films to use as reference and study.
Royalty free, free to use stock photos and videos.
A huge collaborative database of sounds all released under Creative Commons licenses.
FreePats Project
Free and open instrument sets and samples.
A community music remixing site featuring remixes and samples licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
Musical Artifacts
An open source web app helping musicians to find, share and preserve the artifacts they use for producing their music.
Soundfonts 4U
High quality soundfonts in sf2 format. They may technically not be free for commercial use though.
1001 Fonts
A font library with an extensive collection of fonts that are free for commercial use.
Fantasy name generator
A general purpose name generator.
Penguin Classics Cover Generator
A site that will generate book covers for you mirroring those of popular publishers.
Make WordArt
WordArt isn't available in recent versions of Office, so if you want some you'll have to either use this or reinstall Office 97.
Barra's Error Message Generator
A succesor to the classic error generator by Atom Smasher: Make your own Windows error messages.
Death Generator
Put custom text in the message boxes of vintage games and software.
Text-to-speech tool that generates voices of various well-known characters.
Similar to the last site but the character roster is different.
SAM: Software Automatic Mouth
A port of the SAM text-to-speech engine for the Commodore 64 to Javascript. It's that odd robotic voice everyone loves.
Button Maker
Create custom web buttons/badges.
ERAU Generators
A couple of generators for hazard signs and laboratory door safety signs.
Watabou's Procgen Arcana
A collection of free map generators for tabletop role-playing games and worldbuilding. You can generate realms, cities, districts, mansions, villages, and dungeons.
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator
This one generates customizable maps of entire continents, with their respective countries, counties, and cities. Cities are given unique cultures, populations, coats of arms, and maps (using Watabou's city generator, see above).
A heraldry generator and editor, used in the above generator.
Unicode toys
Some tools to convert plain text to obscure characters from Unicode and others.
Modular Modifier
A tool that lets you apply various glitchy effects to pictures.
Pixel art converter
A tool that posterises and pixelates images for a legitimate retro look.
Dither it!
Dither images online. Features a wide selection of algorithms, palette editor, and file size comparison.
Text to ASCII Art Generator
Type some text and have it converted to beautiful ASCII banners.
Braille ASCII Art
A tool that converts images to text using braille characters. Don't worry, the author knows braille is not ASCII.
A big collection of Japanese emoticons.
A directory of text files about pretty much any topic.
Please be patient - This Page is Under Construction!
A gallery of "under construction" images collected from Geocities.
A collection of ASCII art.
Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection
Another extensive one.
Love ASCII Art
A site dedicated to ASCII art dealing with love, romance, and affection.
A search engine for Geocities GIFs.
The world of Kaoani
A big collection of kaoani, small animated smilies from Japan.
Bonnibel's Graphic Collection
An extensive collection of clipart.
Betty's Graphics
The largest hand-curated graphics archive on Neocities.
Animated Anime Gifs Paranoia
A big collection of anime and game related GIFs. Last updated in 2003.
Another collection of icons, clipart, animations, etc.
A.N. Lucas's 88x31 button Collection
A collection of Web 1.0 buttons.
my buttons world
A collection of 88x31 buttons that aren't advertising any sites and as such can be used for decoration.
Web 1.0 Buttons
Another button collection.
The 88x31 GIF Collection
And the biggest one of them all!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A curious collection of virtual bumper stickers.
A collection of old-school smileys/emoticons, as seen in forums and chat programs.
Sitios Flash
Thousands of Flash loops played at random.
The Best 404 Page Ever Redux
Similar to z0r.de, get a random Flash animation every time you enter the page.
Dagobah Flash Gallery
A collection of the "best Flash animations on the internet."
A Flash game site with games such as Japanese Mahjong.
Koshi Andoh
Japanese animator Koshi Andoh's flash animations.
Flash games and interactive art.
The biggest encyclopedia and database of SWFs on the web, I believe. Use an ad blocker.
A collection of a couple dozen short Flash demos and animations featuring the word TANE. An absolute classic that I remember very fondly.
Anime Theme
A curious old-school anime site with lots of animations that has been around for more than 20 years and is still updated every once in a while.
floppy's web lounge
A nice site that sadly isn't updated very often.
Jacob's Unnamed Blog
A regularly updated blog about a variety of subjects such as technology and culture. Reads like rambling.
Uruido was the designer of FL-chan, the unofficial and kind-of-forgotten mascot of FL Studio. In his site you can find art of her and of the mascots he made for a few FL Studio plugins.
Don't click here!
Do not go on.
Large Horse
A large horse.
Wild Bread
A photography journal of bread found discarded in public
A site by a guy who calls himself Dagon the Vampire dedicated to everything gothic
such as vampires, cemeteries, and related literature. Archived copy. Enable Flash for extra content.
The Centre of Things
The Photo Page
- Some person's very nice photo gallery. Cats, dogs, random places.
Pranx - Online Pranks
A bunch of toys to play around and to scare people with. My favourite is the hacker one.
The End of the Internet
The last online destination.
Library of Babel
A site based on Jorge Luis Borges' short story that contains every 3200 character-long permutation of the 26 English letters, space, comma, and period.
Make Frontend Shit Again
"We used to make websites because it was fun but at some point, we lost the way."
Perpetual Calendar
A site that wishes you a good day with a glittering greeting GIF, every day.
Is the Internet down?
If this doesn't work, then the information superhighway isn't available. Try again later!
So moe!
Banana for scale
Convert conventional length and mass units to bananas for universal understanding.
Made you look
Learn to count
A site that counts to ten, forever and ever.
A personal wiki of some sort. I don't particularly understand it.
My Brush with the Unabomber
A funny story about a guy who got a bomb in the mail from Ted Kaczinsky... or did he?
A list of, well, I'll let you guess.
Accidentally one of the most popular websites.
Nice meme!
Nice meme!
Why I will never have a girlfriend
A rigurous statistical analysis of why most men will never find a woman. Absolute classic.
The stinkymeat project
A site about putting raw meat in your neighbor's yard and watching it decompose.
A classic site parodying the original Nokia N-Gage design. The gallery is the most important part!
The web site of lydekkeri
A site by someone who doesn't know CSS but who's cool for liking Sakurako.
A site with a very interesting theme: phenomena related to human souls in electric capsules
Fiction, essays, code.
Luke Smith's Webpage
Articles about minimalist technology and lifestyle. He's a meme, though.