map.h File Reference

MAP (large background map) management unit. More...

#include "vdp.h"
#include "vdp_tile.h"
#include "pal.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  MapDefinition
 MapDefinition structure which contains data for large level background.
It's optimized to encode large map using 128x128 block chunk (block chunk are organized in metatile). More...
struct  Map
 Map structure containing information for large background/plane update based on MapDefinition. More...


typedef struct Map Map
 Map structure containing information for large background/plane update based on MapDefinition.


MapMAP_create (const MapDefinition *mapDef, VDPPlane plane, u16 baseTile)
 Create and return a Map structure required to use all MAP_xxx functions from a given MapDefinition.
When you're done with the map you shall use MAP_release(map) to release it.
void MAP_release (Map *map)
 Release the map and its resources (same as MEM_free(map))
void MAP_scrollTo (Map *map, u32 x, u32 y)
 Scroll map to specified position.
The fonction takes care of updating the VDP tilemap which will be transfered by DMA queue then VDP background scrolling is automatically set on VBlank (into the SYS_doVBlankProcess() tasks).
WARNING: first MAP_scrollTo(..) call will do a full plane update, for a 64x32 sized plane this represents 4KB of data.
That means you can't initialize 2 MAPs in the same frame (limited to 7.2 KB of data per frame) so take care of calling SYS_doVBlankProcess() in between.
void MAP_scrollToEx (Map *map, u32 x, u32 y, bool forceRedraw)
 Exactly as MAP_scrollTo(..) except we can force complete map drawing.
u16 MAP_getMetaTile (Map *map, u16 x, u16 y)
 Returns given metatile attribute (a metatile is a block of 2x2 tiles = 16x16 pixels)
u16 MAP_getTile (Map *map, u16 x, u16 y)
 Returns given tile attribute (note than map->baseTile isn't added to the result)
void MAP_getMetaTilemapRect (Map *map, u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h, u16 *dest)
 Returns metatiles attribute for the specified region (a metatile is a block of 2x2 tiles = 16x16 pixels)
void MAP_getTilemapRect (Map *map, u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h, bool column, u16 *dest)
 Returns tiles attribute data for the specified region (map->baseTile is used as base tiles attribute, see MAP_create(..))

Detailed Description

MAP (large background map) management unit.

Stephane Dallongeville

This unit provides methods to manipulate / scroll large background MAP:

  • Create / release MAP object
  • MAP decoding functions
  • Large MAP scrolling engine

    Using MAP resource you can encode large image as a MapDefinition structure which will be used to handle large background scrolling. The MapDefinition structure is optimized to encode large map efficiently (space wise), here's the encoding format:
  • background map is encoded as a grid of 128x128 pixels blocks
  • duplicated 128x128 blocks are optimized (keep only 1 reference)
  • each 128x128 blocks is encoded internally as a 8x8 grid of metatile
  • a metatile is a 16x16 pixels block (2x2 tiles block)
  • each duplicated / flipped metatile are optimized.

    Knowing that you can draw your level background to optimize its space usage by trying to optimize
    the number of unique 128x128 pixels block.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct Map Map

Map structure containing information for large background/plane update based on MapDefinition.

wmap width in block (128x128 pixels block)
hmap height in block (128x128 pixels block)
metaTilesinternal - unpacked data of MapDefinition.metaTiles
blocksinternal - unpacked data of MapDefinition.blocks
blockIndexesinternal - unpacked data of MapDefinition.blockIndexes
blockRowOffsetsinternal - direct access of MapDefinition.blockRowOffsets
planeVDP plane where MAP is draw
baseTileBase tile attributes used to provide base tile index offset and base palette index (see TILE_ATTR_FULL() macro)
posXcurrent view position X set using MAP_scrollTo(..) method
posYcurrent view position Y set using MAP_scrollTo(..) method

Function Documentation

Map* MAP_create ( const MapDefinition mapDef,
VDPPlane  plane,
u16  baseTile 

Create and return a Map structure required to use all MAP_xxx functions from a given MapDefinition.
When you're done with the map you shall use MAP_release(map) to release it.

mapDefMapDefinition structure containing background/plane data.
planePlane where we want to draw the Map (for MAP_scrollTo(..) method).
Accepted values are:
  • BG_A
  • BG_B
    If you want to use the map for collision or special behavior (using the MAP_getTile(..) method) then you can just let this parameter to 0.
baseTileUsed to provide base tile index and base palette index (see TILE_ATTR_FULL() macro).
Note that you can also use it to force HIGH priority but in that case your map should only contains LOW priority tiles otherwise the HIGH priority tiles will be set in LOW priority instead (mutually exclusive).
initialized Map structure or NULL if there is not enough memory to allocate data for given MapDefinition.
u16 MAP_getMetaTile ( Map map,
u16  x,
u16  y 

Returns given metatile attribute (a metatile is a block of 2x2 tiles = 16x16 pixels)

mapsource Map structure containing map information.
xmetatile X position
ymetatile Y position
metatile attribute:
  • b15: priority override
  • b14-b13: free, can be used to encode collision info ?
  • b12: combined vflip
  • b11: combined hflip
  • b10-b0: metatile index
See also:
void MAP_getMetaTilemapRect ( Map map,
u16  x,
u16  y,
u16  w,
u16  h,
u16 dest 

Returns metatiles attribute for the specified region (a metatile is a block of 2x2 tiles = 16x16 pixels)

mapsource Map structure containing map information.
xRegion X start position (in metatile).
yRegion Y start position (in metatile).
wRegion Width (in metatile).
hRegion Heigh (in metatile).
destdestination pointer receiving metatiles attribute data
metatiles attribute:
  • b15: priority override
  • b14-b13: free, can be used to encode collision info ?
  • b12: combined vflip
  • b11: combined hflip
  • b10-b0: metatile index
See also:
u16 MAP_getTile ( Map map,
u16  x,
u16  y 

Returns given tile attribute (note than map->baseTile isn't added to the result)

mapsource Map structure containing map information.
xtile X position
ytile Y position
tile attribute:
  • b15: priority
  • b14-b13: palette
  • b12: vflip
  • b11: hflip
  • b10-b0: tile index
See also:
void MAP_getTilemapRect ( Map map,
u16  x,
u16  y,
u16  w,
u16  h,
bool  column,
u16 dest 

Returns tiles attribute data for the specified region (map->baseTile is used as base tiles attribute, see MAP_create(..))

mapsource Map structure containing map information.
xRegion X start position (in metatile)
yRegion Y start position (in metatile)
wRegion Width (in metatile)
hRegion Heigh (in metatile)
columnif set to TRUE then tilemap data is stored by column order [Y,X] instead of row order [X,Y].
destdestination pointer receiving tiles attribute data
tiles attribute:
  • b15: priority
  • b14-b13: palette
  • b12: vflip
  • b11: hflip
  • b10-b0: tile index
See also:
void MAP_release ( Map map)

Release the map and its resources (same as MEM_free(map))

mapthe Map structure to release
void MAP_scrollTo ( Map map,
u32  x,
u32  y 

Scroll map to specified position.
The fonction takes care of updating the VDP tilemap which will be transfered by DMA queue then VDP background scrolling is automatically set on VBlank (into the SYS_doVBlankProcess() tasks).
WARNING: first MAP_scrollTo(..) call will do a full plane update, for a 64x32 sized plane this represents 4KB of data.
That means you can't initialize 2 MAPs in the same frame (limited to 7.2 KB of data per frame) so take care of calling SYS_doVBlankProcess() in between.

mapMap structure containing map information.
xview position X we want to scroll on
yview position Y we want to scroll on
See also:
void MAP_scrollToEx ( Map map,
u32  x,
u32  y,
bool  forceRedraw 

Exactly as MAP_scrollTo(..) except we can force complete map drawing.

mapMap structure containing map information.
xview position X we want to scroll on
yview position Y we want to scroll on
forceRedrawSet to TRUE to force a complete map redraw (take more time)
See also:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines