File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
16c550.h [code]
asm.h [code]Assembly helper
bmp.h [code]Software bitmap engine
config.h [code]Basic SGDK library configuration file
console.cTTY text console
console.h [code]TTY text console
dma.h [code]DMA support
everdrive.h [code]Everdrive support
fat16.h [code]FAT16 file system support
flash.h [code]Low level NOR flash read/erase/write interface
font.h [code]SGDK system Font
gamejolt.h [code]GameJolt Game API implementation for MegaWiFi
genesis.h [code]
joy.h [code]General controller support
jsmn.h [code]
json.h [code]JSON implementation, based on jsmn by Serge Zaitsev
kdebug.h [code]Gens KMod debug methods
libres.h [code]
lsd.h [code]
map.h [code]MAP (large background map) management unit
mapper.h [code]Mapper / bank switch methods
maths.h [code]Mathematical methods
maths3D.h [code]3D math engine
megawifi.h [code]MegaWiFi API implementation
memory.h [code]Memory handling methods
memory_base.h [code]Memory base definition
minimus.h [code]
mw-msg.h [code]MegaWiFi command message definitions
object.h [code]Base object management unit
pal.h [code]Palette support (herited from vdp_pal.h unit)
pool.h [code]Pool object management unit
psg.h [code]PSG support
saveman.h [code]Save manager for flash memory chips supported by the flash module
smp_null.h [code]
smp_null_dpcm.h [code]
snd_dpcm2.h [code]Z80_DRIVER_DPCM2 sound driver API
snd_pcm.h [code]Z80_DRIVER_PCM sound driver API
snd_pcm4.h [code]Z80_DRIVER_PCM4 sound driver API
sound.h [code]General / shared sound driver definitions
sprite_eng.h [code]Sprite engine
sprite_eng_legacy.h [code]Sprite engine legacy - september 2022 version
sram.h [code]SRAM (Static RAM used for save backup) support
stb_sprintf.h [code]
string.h [code]String manipulations
sys.h [code]Entry point unit / Interrupt callback / System
tab_cnv.h [code]
tab_vol.h [code]
task.h [code]User task support
task_cst.h [code]User task constantes definition
timer.h [code]Timer support
tools.h [code]Misc tools methods
types.h [code]Types definition
vdp.h [code]VDP main
vdp_bg.h [code]VDP background plane support
vdp_spr.h [code]VDP Sprite support
vdp_tile.h [code]VDP General Tile / Tilemap operations
vram.h [code]SGDK VRAM (Video Memory) management unit
xgm.h [code]XGM sound driver
xgm2.h [code]XGM2 sound driver
ym2612.h [code]YM2612 support
z80_ctrl.h [code]Z80 control
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