Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AnimationSprite animation structure
AnimationFrameSprite animation frame structure
BitmapGenesis 4bpp Bitmap structure definition.
Use the unpackBitmap() method to unpack if compression is enabled
BoxSimple Box structure
BoxCollisionSimple Box structure for collision
CircleSimple Circle structure
CircleCollisionSimple Circle structure (can be used for collision detection)
CollisionCollision definition union
Context3DStructure hosting settings / context for the 3D transform engine
DMAOpInfoDMA transfer definition (used for DMA queue)
flash_chipMetadata of a flash chip, describing memory layout
flash_regionMetadata of a flash region, consisting of several sectors. /
FrameVDPSpriteSingle VDP sprite info structure for sprite animation frame
ImageImage structure which contains all data to define an image in a background plane.
Use the unpackImage() method to unpack if compression is enabled in TileSet or TileMap structure
LineLine definition
MapMap structure containing information for large background/plane update based on MapDefinition
MapDefinitionMapDefinition structure which contains data for large level background.
It's optimized to encode large map using 128x128 block chunk (block chunk are organized in metatile)
Mat2D_f162x2 Matrice structure - f16 (fix16) type.
Internally uses 2 2D vectors
Mat2D_f322x2 Matrice structure - f32 (fix32) type.
Internally uses 2 2D vectors
Mat3D_f163x3 Matrice structure - f16 (fix16) type.
Internally uses 3 3D vectors
Mat3D_f323x3 Matrice structure - f32 (fix32) type.
Internally uses 3 3D vectors
Mat4D_f164x4 Matrice structure - f16 (fix16) type.
Internally uses 4 4D vectors
Mat4D_f324x4 Matrice structure - f32 (fix32) type.
Internally uses 4 4D vectors
Object_Base object structure
PalettePalette structure contains color data
PixelPixel definition
PoolObject pool allocator structure
SpriteSprite structure used by the Sprite Engine to store state for a sprite.
WARNING: always use the SPR_addSprite(..) method to allocate Sprite object.
SpriteDefinitionSprite definition structure
TileMapTileMap structure which contains tilemap background definition.
Use the unpackTileMap() method to unpack if compression is enabled
TileSetTile set structure which contains tiles definition.
Use the unpackTileSet() method to unpack if compression is enabled
Transformation3D3D transformation object - f16 (fix16) type.
This object define the global 3D transformation informations and associated cached data.
If rotation information is modified the rebuildMat flag should be set to 1.
Rotation and translation objects are reference so don't forget to set them
TriangleTriangle definition
VDPSpriteVDP sprite definition structure replicating VDP hardware sprite
Vect2D_f162D Vector structure - f16 (fix16) type
Vect2D_f322D Vector structure - f32 (fix32) type
Vect2D_s162D Vector structure - s16 type
Vect2D_s322D Vector structure - s32 type
Vect2D_u162D Vector structure - u16 type
Vect2D_u322D Vector structure - u32 type
Vect3D_f163D Vector structure - f16 (fix16) type
Vect3D_f323D Vector structure - f32 (fix32) type
Vect3D_s163D Vector structure - s16 type
Vect3D_s323D Vector structure - s32 type
Vect3D_u163D Vector structure - u16 type
Vect3D_u323D Vector structure - u32 type
Vect4D_f164D Vector structure - f16 (fix16) type
Vect4D_f324D Vector structure - f32 (fix32) type
VRAMRegionVRAM region structure
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