maths.h File Reference

Mathematical methods. More...

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struct  Vect2D_u16
 2D Vector structure - u16 type. More...
struct  Vect2D_s16
 2D Vector structure - s16 type. More...
struct  Vect2D_u32
 2D Vector structure - u32 type. More...
struct  Vect2D_s32
 2D Vector structure - s32 type. More...
struct  Vect2D_f16
 2D Vector structure - f16 (fix16) type. More...
struct  Vect2D_f32
 2D Vector structure - f32 (fix32) type. More...
struct  Mat2D_f16
 2x2 Matrice structure - f16 (fix16) type.
Internally uses 2 2D vectors. More...
struct  Mat2D_f32
 2x2 Matrice structure - f32 (fix32) type.
Internally uses 2 2D vectors. More...
struct  Vect3D_u16
 3D Vector structure - u16 type. More...
struct  Vect3D_s16
 3D Vector structure - s16 type. More...
struct  Vect3D_u32
 3D Vector structure - u32 type. More...
struct  Vect3D_s32
 3D Vector structure - s32 type. More...
struct  Vect3D_f16
 3D Vector structure - f16 (fix16) type. More...
struct  Vect3D_f32
 3D Vector structure - f32 (fix32) type. More...
struct  Mat3D_f16
 3x3 Matrice structure - f16 (fix16) type.
Internally uses 3 3D vectors. More...
struct  Mat3D_f32
 3x3 Matrice structure - f32 (fix32) type.
Internally uses 3 3D vectors. More...
struct  Vect4D_f16
 4D Vector structure - f16 (fix16) type. More...
struct  Vect4D_f32
 4D Vector structure - f32 (fix32) type. More...
struct  Mat4D_f16
 4x4 Matrice structure - f16 (fix16) type.
Internally uses 4 4D vectors. More...
struct  Mat4D_f32
 4x4 Matrice structure - f32 (fix32) type.
Internally uses 4 4D vectors. More...


#define min(X, Y)   (((X) < (Y))?(X):(Y))
 Returns the lowest value between X an Y.
#define max(X, Y)   (((X) > (Y))?(X):(Y))
 Returns the highest value between X an Y.
#define clamp(X, L, H)   (min(max((X), (L)), (H)))
 Returns L if X is less than L, H if X is greater than H or X if in between L and H.
#define abs(X)   (((X) < 0)?-(X):(X))
 Returns the absolute value of X.
#define PI   3.14159265358979323846
 PI number (3,1415..)
#define FIX16_INT_BITS   10
#define FIX16_FRAC_BITS   (16 - FIX16_INT_BITS)
#define FIX16_INT_MASK   (((1 << FIX16_INT_BITS) - 1) << FIX16_FRAC_BITS)
#define FIX16_FRAC_MASK   ((1 << FIX16_FRAC_BITS) - 1)
#define FIX32_INT_BITS   22
#define FIX32_FRAC_BITS   (32 - FIX32_INT_BITS)
#define FIX32_INT_MASK   (((1 << FIX32_INT_BITS) - 1) << FIX32_FRAC_BITS)
#define FIX32_FRAC_MASK   ((1 << FIX32_FRAC_BITS) - 1)
#define FASTFIX16_INT_BITS   8
#define FASTFIX16_FRAC_MASK   ((1 << FASTFIX16_FRAC_BITS) - 1)
#define FASTFIX32_INT_BITS   16
#define FASTFIX32_FRAC_MASK   ((1 << FASTFIX32_FRAC_BITS) - 1)
#define FIX16(value)   ((fix16) ((value) * (1 << FIX16_FRAC_BITS)))
 Convert specified value to fix16.
#define FIX32(value)   ((fix32) ((value) * (1 << FIX32_FRAC_BITS)))
 Convert specified value to fix32.
#define FASTFIX16(value)   ((fastfix16) ((value) * (1 << FASTFIX16_FRAC_BITS)))
 Convert specified value to "fast" fix16.
#define FASTFIX32(value)   ((fastfix32) ((value) * (1 << FASTFIX32_FRAC_BITS)))
 Convert specified value to "fast" fix32.
#define fix16Add(a, b)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, simply use '+' operator to add fix16 values together.\"")
#define fix16Sub(a, b)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, simply use '-' operator to subtract fix16 values.\"")
#define fix16Neg(a)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, simply use '0 - value' to get the negative fix16 value.\"")
#define fix32Add(a, b)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, simply use '+' operator to add fix32 values together.\"")
#define fix32Sub(a, b)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, simply use '-' operator to subtract fix32 values.\"")
#define fix32Neg(a)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, simply use '0 - value' to get the negative fix32 value.\"")
#define distance_approx(dx, dy)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use getApproximatedDistance(..) instead.\"")


typedef Vect2D_u16 V2u16
 alias for Vect2D_u16
typedef Vect2D_s16 V2s16
 alias for Vect2D_s16
typedef Vect2D_u32 V2u32
 alias for Vect2D_u32
typedef Vect2D_s32 V2s32
 alias for Vect2D_s32
typedef Vect2D_f16 V2f16
 alias for Vect2D_f16
typedef Vect2D_f32 V2f32
 alias for Vect2D_f32
typedef Vect3D_u16 V3u16
 alias for Vect3D_u16
typedef Vect3D_s16 V3s16
 alias for Vect3D_s16
typedef Vect3D_u32 V3u32
 alias for Vect3D_u32
typedef Vect3D_s32 V3s32
 alias for Vect3D_s32
typedef Vect3D_f16 V3f16
 alias for Vect3D_f16
typedef Vect3D_f32 V3f32
 alias for Vect3D_f32
typedef Vect4D_f16 V4f16
 alias for Vect4D_f16
typedef Vect4D_f32 V4f32
 alias for Vect4D_f32
typedef Mat2D_f16 M2f16
 alias for Mat2D_f16
typedef Mat2D_f32 M2f32
 alias for Mat2D_f32
typedef Mat3D_f16 M3f16
 alias for Mat3D_f16
typedef Mat3D_f32 M3f32
 alias for Mat3D_f32
typedef Mat4D_f16 M4f16
 alias for Mat4D_f16
typedef Mat4D_f32 M4f32
 alias for Mat4D_f32


u32 mulu (u16 op1, u16 op2)
 16x16=32 unsigned multiplication. Force GCC to use proper 68000 mulu instruction.
s32 muls (s16 op1, s16 op2)
 16x16=32 signed multiplication. Force GCC to use proper 68000 muls instruction.
u16 divu (u32 op1, u16 op2)
 Direct divu instruction (unsigned 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation.
s16 divs (s32 op1, s16 op2)
 Direct divs instruction (signed 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation.
u16 modu (u32 op1, u16 op2)
 Direct divu instruction (unsigned 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly.
s16 mods (s32 op1, s16 op2)
 Direct divs instruction (signed 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly.
u32 divmodu (u32 op1, u16 op2)
 Direct divu instruction (unsigned 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation and op1op2 at same time.
s32 divmods (s32 op1, s16 op2)
 Direct divs instruction (signed 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation and op1op2 at same time.
fix16 intToFix16 (s16 value)
 Convert integer to fix16.
s16 fix16ToInt (fix16 value)
 Convert fix16 to integer.
fix32 fix16ToFix32 (fix16 value)
 Convert specified fix16 value to fix32.
fix16 fix16Round (fix16 value)
 Round the specified value to nearest integer (fix16).
s16 fix16ToRoundedInt (fix16 value)
 Round and convert the specified fix16 value to integer.
fix16 fix16Frac (fix16 value)
 Return fractional part of the specified value (fix16).
fix16 fix16Int (fix16 value)
 Return integer part of the specified value (fix16).
fix16 fix16Mul (fix16 val1, fix16 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the multiplication of val1 and val2 (fix16).
fix16 fix16Div (fix16 val1, fix16 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the division of val1 by val2 (fix16).
fix16 fix16Avg (fix16 val1, fix16 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the average of val1 by val2 (fix16).
fix16 fix16Log2 (fix16 value)
 Compute and return the result of the Log2 of specified value (fix16).
fix16 fix16Log10 (fix16 value)
 Compute and return the result of the Log10 of specified value (fix16).
fix16 fix16Sqrt (fix16 value)
 Compute and return the result of the root square of specified value (fix16).
fix16 sinFix16 (u16 value)
 Compute sinus of specified value and return it as fix16.
The input value is an integer defined as [0..1024] range corresponding to radian [0..2PI] range.
fix16 cosFix16 (u16 value)
 Compute cosinus of specified value and return it as fix16.
The input value is an integer defined as [0..1024] range corresponding to radian [0..2PI] range.
fix32 intToFix32 (s32 value)
 Convert integer to fix32.
s32 fix32ToInt (fix32 value)
 Convert fix32 to integer.
fix16 fix32ToFix16 (fix32 value)
 Convert specified fix32 value to fix16.
fix32 fix32Round (fix32 value)
 Round the specified value to nearest integer (fix32).
s32 fix32ToRoundedInt (fix32 value)
 Round and convert the specified fix32 value to integer.
fix32 fix32Frac (fix32 value)
 Return fractional part of the specified value (fix32).
fix32 fix32Int (fix32 value)
 Return integer part of the specified value (fix32).
fix32 fix32Mul (fix32 val1, fix32 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the multiplication of val1 and val2 (fix32).
WARNING: result can easily overflow so its recommended to stick with fix16 type for mul and div operations.
fix32 fix32Div (fix32 val1, fix32 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the division of val1 by val2 (fix32).
WARNING: result can easily overflow so its recommended to stick with fix16 type for mul and div operations.
fix32 fix32Avg (fix32 val1, fix32 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the average of val1 by val2 (fix32).
fix32 sinFix32 (u16 value)
 Compute sinus of specified value and return it as fix32.
The input value is an integer defined as [0..1024] range corresponding to radian [0..2PI] range.
fix32 cosFix32 (u16 value)
 Compute cosinus of specified value and return it as fix32.
The input value is an integer defined as [0..1024] range corresponding to radian [0..2PI] range.
fastfix16 intToFastFix16 (s16 value)
 Convert integer to fastfix16.
s16 fastFix16ToInt (fastfix16 value)
 Convert fastfix16 to integer.
fastfix16 fastFix16Round (fastfix16 value)
 Round the specified value to nearest integer (fastfix16).
s16 fastFix16ToRoundedInt (fastfix16 value)
 Round and convert the specified fastfix16 value to integer (fastfix16).
fastfix16 fastFix16Frac (fastfix16 value)
 Return fractional part of the specified value (fastfix16).
fastfix16 fastFix16Int (fastfix16 value)
 Return integer part of the specified value (fastfix16).
fastfix16 fastFix16Mul (fastfix16 val1, fastfix16 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the multiplication of val1 and val2 (fastfix16).
fastfix16 fastFix16Div (fastfix16 val1, fastfix16 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the division of val1 by val2 (fastfix16).
fastfix32 intToFastFix32 (s16 value)
 Convert integer to fastfix32.
s16 fastFix32ToInt (fastfix32 value)
 Convert fastfix32 to integer.
fastfix32 fastFix32Round (fastfix32 value)
 Round the specified value to nearest integer (fastfix32).
s32 fastFix32ToRoundedInt (fastfix32 value)
 Round and convert the specified fastfix32 value to integer.
fastfix32 fastFix32Frac (fastfix32 value)
 Return fractional part of the specified value (fastfix32).
fastfix32 fastFix32Int (fastfix32 value)
 Return integer part of the specified value (fastfix32).
fastfix32 fastFix32Mul (fastfix32 val1, fastfix32 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the multiplication of val1 and val2 (fastfix32).
WARNING: result can easily overflow so its recommended to stick with fix16 type for mul and div operations.
fastfix32 fastFix32Div (fastfix32 val1, fastfix32 val2)
 Compute and return the result of the division of val1 by val2 (fastfix32).
WARNING: result can easily overflow so its recommended to stick with fix16 type for mul and div operations.
u32 intToBCD (u32 value)
 Binary to Decimal conversion.
u32 getApproximatedDistance (s32 dx, s32 dy)
 Return euclidean distance approximation for specified vector.
The returned distance is not 100% perfect but calculation is fast.
u32 getApproximatedDistanceV (V2s32 *v)
 Return euclidean distance approximation for specified vector.
The returned distance is not 100% perfect but calculation is fast.
s32 getApproximatedLog2 (s32 value)
 Return 16.16 fixed point *approximation* of log2 of the specified 16.16 fixed point value. Ex:
getLog2(1 << 16) = 0
getLog2(12345 << 16) = ~9.5 (real value = ~13.6)

u16 getLog2Int (u32 value)
 Return integer log2 of specified 32 bits unsigned value. Ex:
getLog2Int(1024) = 10
getLog2Int(12345) = 13

u32 getNextPow2 (u32 value)
 Return next pow2 value which is greater than specified 32 bits unsigned value. Ex:
getNextPow2(700) = 1024
getNextPow2(18) = 32


const fix32 sintab_f32 [1024]
const fix16 sintab_f16 [1024]
const fix16 log2tab_f16 [0x10000]
const fix16 log10tab_f16 [0x10000]
const fix16 sqrttab_f16 [0x10000]

Detailed Description

Mathematical methods.

Stephane Dallongeville

This unit provides basic maths methods.
You can find a tutorial about how use maths with SGDK here.

Define Documentation

#define distance_approx (   dx,
)    _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use getApproximatedDistance(..) instead.\"")
#define FASTFIX16 (   value)    ((fastfix16) ((value) * (1 << FASTFIX16_FRAC_BITS)))

Convert specified value to "fast" fix16.

ff16 v = FASTFIX16(-27.12);

#define FASTFIX32 (   value)    ((fastfix32) ((value) * (1 << FASTFIX32_FRAC_BITS)))

Convert specified value to "fast" fix32.

ff32 v = FASTFIX32(34.567);

#define FIX16 (   value)    ((fix16) ((value) * (1 << FIX16_FRAC_BITS)))

Convert specified value to fix16.

f16 v = FIX16(-27.12);

#define FIX32 (   value)    ((fix32) ((value) * (1 << FIX32_FRAC_BITS)))

Convert specified value to fix32.

f32 v = FIX32(34.567);

Function Documentation

s32 divmods ( s32  op1,
s16  op2 

Direct divs instruction (signed 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation and op1op2 at same time.

op1first operand - dividende (32 bit)
op2second operand - divisor (16 bit)
16 bit (signed) result of the division in low 16 bit (0-15) and 16 bit (signed) result of the modulo operation in high 16 bit (16-31)
u32 divmodu ( u32  op1,
u16  op2 

Direct divu instruction (unsigned 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation and op1op2 at same time.

op1first operand - dividende (32 bit)
op2second operand - divisor (16 bit)
16 bit (unsigned) result of the division in low 16 bit (0-15) and 16 bit (unsigned) result of the modulo operation in high 16 bit (16-31)
s16 divs ( s32  op1,
s16  op2 

Direct divs instruction (signed 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation.

op1first operand (32 bit)
op2second operand (16 bit)
16 bit (signed) result of the division
u16 divu ( u32  op1,
u16  op2 

Direct divu instruction (unsigned 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly to process op1/op2 operation.

op1first operand - dividende (32 bit)
op2second operand - divisor (16 bit)
16 bit (unsigned) result of the division
u32 getApproximatedDistance ( s32  dx,
s32  dy 

Return euclidean distance approximation for specified vector.
The returned distance is not 100% perfect but calculation is fast.

dxdelta X.
dydelta Y.
u32 getApproximatedDistanceV ( V2s32 v)

Return euclidean distance approximation for specified vector.
The returned distance is not 100% perfect but calculation is fast.

v2D vector.
s32 getApproximatedLog2 ( s32  value)

Return 16.16 fixed point *approximation* of log2 of the specified 16.16 fixed point value. Ex:
getLog2(1 << 16) = 0
getLog2(12345 << 16) = ~9.5 (real value = ~13.6)

value16.16 fixed point value to return log2 of
u16 getLog2Int ( u32  value)

Return integer log2 of specified 32 bits unsigned value. Ex:
getLog2Int(1024) = 10
getLog2Int(12345) = 13

valuevalue to return log2 of
u32 getNextPow2 ( u32  value)

Return next pow2 value which is greater than specified 32 bits unsigned value. Ex:
getNextPow2(700) = 1024
getNextPow2(18) = 32

valuevalue to return next pow2
u32 intToBCD ( u32  value)

Binary to Decimal conversion.

valueValue to convert.
s16 mods ( s32  op1,
s16  op2 

Direct divs instruction (signed 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly.

op1first operand (32 bit)
op2second operand (16 bit)
16 bit (signed) modulo result of the division
u16 modu ( u32  op1,
u16  op2 

Direct divu instruction (unsigned 32/16=16:16) access using inline assembly.

op1first operand (32 bit)
op2second operand (16 bit)
16 bit (unsigned) modulo result of the division
s32 muls ( s16  op1,
s16  op2 

16x16=32 signed multiplication. Force GCC to use proper 68000 muls instruction.

op1first operand
op2second operand
32 bit (signed) result of multiply
u32 mulu ( u16  op1,
u16  op2 

16x16=32 unsigned multiplication. Force GCC to use proper 68000 mulu instruction.

op1first operand
op2second operand
32 bit (unsigned) result of multiply
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