sprite_eng.h File Reference

Sprite engine. More...

#include "vdp_tile.h"
#include "vdp_spr.h"
#include "pal.h"
#include "pool.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  BoxCollision
 Simple Box structure for collision. More...
struct  CircleCollision
 Simple Circle structure (can be used for collision detection) More...
struct  _collision
struct  FrameVDPSprite
 Single VDP sprite info structure for sprite animation frame. More...
struct  AnimationFrame
 Sprite animation frame structure. More...
struct  Animation
 Sprite animation structure. More...
struct  SpriteDefinition
 Sprite definition structure. More...
struct  Sprite
 Sprite structure used by the Sprite Engine to store state for a sprite.
WARNING: always use the SPR_addSprite(..) method to allocate Sprite object.


 No collision type.
 Bouding box collision type (Box structure)
 Round circle collision type (Circle structure)
#define SPR_FLAG_INSERT_HEAD   0x4000
 Special flag to indicate that we want to add the sprite at position 0 (head / top) in the list
instead of adding it in last / bottom position (default)
 Disable animation auto loop..
By default animation always restart fater the last frame has been played. This flag prevent the animation to restart and so the animation end on the last frame forever (see SPR_getAnimationDone(..))
 Disable delaying of frame update when we are running out of DMA capacity.
By default we delay the frame update when DMA is already full so the frame update happen as soon we have enough DMA capacity to do it. This flag forces frame update to always happen immediately but that may cause graphical glitches.
#define SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VRAM_ALLOC   0x0800
 Enable automatic VRAM allocation.
#define SPR_FLAG_AUTO_TILE_UPLOAD   0x0400
 Enable automatic upload of sprite tiles data into VRAM.
 Enable automatic visibility calculation.
 Enable fast visibility calculation (only meaningful if SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VISIBILITY is used).
If you set this flag the automatic visibility calculation will be done globally for the (meta) sprite and not per internal hardware sprite. This result in faster visibility computation at the expense of using extra (wasting) hardware sprites.
 Mask for sprite flag.
#define SPR_MIN_DEPTH   (-0x8000)
 Minimum depth for a sprite (always above others sprites)
#define SPR_MAX_DEPTH   0x7FFF
 Maximum depth for a sprite (always below others sprites)
#define SPR_setPriorityAttribut(sprite, value)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_setPriority(..) instead.\"")
#define SPR_setAlwaysVisible(sprite, value)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_setVisibility(..) instead.\"")
#define SPR_setNeverVisible(sprite, value)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_setVisibility(..) instead.\"")
#define SPR_computeVisibility(sprite)   _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_isVisible(sprite, TRUE) instead.\"")


typedef struct _collision Collision
typedef struct Sprite Sprite
 Sprite structure used by the Sprite Engine to store state for a sprite.
WARNING: always use the SPR_addSprite(..) method to allocate Sprite object.

typedef void FrameChangeCallback (Sprite *sprite)
 Sprite frame change event callback.


enum  SpriteVisibility { VISIBLE, HIDDEN, AUTO_FAST, AUTO_SLOW }
 Sprite visibility enumeration. More...


void SPR_init (void)
 Initialize the Sprite engine with default parameters.
void SPR_initEx (u16 vramSize)
 Init the Sprite engine with specified advanced parameters (VRAM allocation size and decompression buffer size).
void SPR_end (void)
 End the Sprite engine.
bool SPR_isInitialized (void)
 FALSE if sprite cache engine is not initialized, TRUE otherwise.
void SPR_reset (void)
 Reset the Sprite engine.

SpriteSPR_addSpriteEx (const SpriteDefinition *spriteDef, s16 x, s16 y, u16 attribut, u16 flag)
 Adds a new sprite with specified parameters and returns it.
SpriteSPR_addSprite (const SpriteDefinition *spriteDef, s16 x, s16 y, u16 attribut)
 Adds a new sprite with auto resource allocation enabled and returns it.
SpriteSPR_addSpriteExSafe (const SpriteDefinition *spriteDef, s16 x, s16 y, u16 attribut, u16 flag)
 Adds a new sprite with specified parameters and returns it.
SpriteSPR_addSpriteSafe (const SpriteDefinition *spriteDef, s16 x, s16 y, u16 attribut)
 Adds a new sprite with auto resource allocation enabled and returns it.
void SPR_releaseSprite (Sprite *sprite)
 Release the specified sprite (no more visible and release its resources).
u16 SPR_getNumActiveSprite (void)
 Returns the number of active sprite (number of sprite added with SPR_addSprite(..) or SPR_addSpriteEx(..) methods).
u16 SPR_getUsedVDPSprite (void)
 Returns the (maximum) number of used VDP sprite from current active sprites (sum of maximum hardware sprite usage from all active sprites).
u16 SPR_getFreeVRAM (void)
 Returns the current remaining free VRAM (in tile) for the sprite engine.
u16 SPR_getLargestFreeVRAMBlock (void)
 Return the current largest free VRAM block size (in tile) for the sprite engine.
void SPR_enableVDPSpriteChecking ()
 Indicate that we want to prevent adding a new sprite if there is possibly not enough hardware sprite to display it (counting the maximum hardware sprite usage from all active sprites) and so this ensures to always display all of them.
By default the sprite engine allow to add a new sprite even if we may run out of hardware sprite to display all of them, that can lead to some sprite disappearence in some situations but ultimately it allows to handle more active sprites at once.
void SPR_disableVDPSpriteChecking ()
 Indicate that we allow the sprite engine to add a new sprite even if we may run out of hardware sprite to display all of them, that can lead to some sprite disappearence in some situation but ultimately it allows to handle more active sprites at once (default behavior).
void SPR_defragVRAM (void)
 Defragment allocated VRAM for sprites, that can help when sprite allocation fail (SPR_addSprite(..) or SPR_addSpriteEx(..) return NULL).
u16 ** SPR_loadAllFrames (const SpriteDefinition *sprDef, u16 index, u16 *totalNumTile)
 Load all frames of SpriteDefinition (using DMA) at specified VRAM tile index and return the indexes table.
WARNING: This function should be call at init/loading time as it can be quite long (several frames)
bool SPR_setDefinition (Sprite *sprite, const SpriteDefinition *spriteDef)
 Set the Sprite Definition.
s16 SPR_getPositionX (Sprite *sprite)
 Get sprite position X.
s16 SPR_getPositionY (Sprite *sprite)
 Get sprite position Y.
void SPR_setPosition (Sprite *sprite, s16 x, s16 y)
 Set sprite position.
void SPR_setHFlip (Sprite *sprite, bool value)
 Set sprite Horizontal Flip attribut.
void SPR_setVFlip (Sprite *sprite, bool value)
 Set sprite Vertical Flip attribut.
void SPR_setPalette (Sprite *sprite, u16 value)
 Set sprite Palette index to use.
void SPR_setPriority (Sprite *sprite, bool value)
 Set sprite Priority attribut.
void SPR_setDepth (Sprite *sprite, s16 value)
 Set sprite depth (for sprite display ordering)
void SPR_setZ (Sprite *sprite, s16 value)
 Same as SPR_setDepth(..)
void SPR_setAlwaysOnTop (Sprite *sprite)
 Set sprite depth so it remains above others sprite - same as SPR_setDepth(SPR_MIN_DEPTH)
void SPR_setAlwaysAtBottom (Sprite *sprite)
 Set sprite depth so it remains behind others sprite - same as SPR_setDepth(SPR_MAX_DEPTH)
void SPR_setAnimAndFrame (Sprite *sprite, s16 anim, s16 frame)
 Set current sprite animation and frame.
void SPR_setAnim (Sprite *sprite, s16 anim)
 Set current sprite animation.
void SPR_setFrame (Sprite *sprite, s16 frame)
 Set current sprite frame.
void SPR_nextFrame (Sprite *sprite)
 Pass to the next sprite frame.
void SPR_setAnimationLoop (Sprite *sprite, bool value)
 Enable/disable animation loop (default is on).
When disable the sprite will stay on the last animation frame forever when animation ended instead of restarting it.
bool SPR_getAnimationDone (Sprite *sprite)
 Return TRUE if animation ended / looped.
This can be used with the frame change callback (see SPR_setFrameChangeCallback(..)) to detect the end of sprite animation and do appropriate action if required.
bool SPR_setVRAMTileIndex (Sprite *sprite, s16 value)
 Set the VRAM tile position reserved for this sprite.
void SPR_setAutoTileUpload (Sprite *sprite, bool value)
 Enable/disable the automatic upload of sprite tiles data into VRAM.
void SPR_setDelayedFrameUpdate (Sprite *sprite, bool value)
 Enable/disable the delayed frame update.
void SPR_setFrameChangeCallback (Sprite *sprite, FrameChangeCallback *callback)
 Set the frame change event callback for this sprite.
SpriteVisibility SPR_getVisibility (Sprite *sprite)
 Return the visibility state for this sprite.
WARNING: this is different from SPR_isVisible(..) method, possible value are:
SpriteVisibility.VISIBLE = sprite is visible
SpriteVisibility.HIDDEN = sprite is not visible
SpriteVisibility.AUTO_FAST = visibility is automatically computed - global visibility (only using sprite X position)
SpriteVisibility.AUTO_SLOW = visibility is automatically computed - per hardware sprite visibility (only using sprite X position)

bool SPR_isVisible (Sprite *sprite, bool recompute)
 Return the visible state for this sprite (meaningful only if AUTO visibility is enabled, see SPR_setVisibility(..) method).

void SPR_setVisibility (Sprite *sprite, SpriteVisibility value)
 Set the visibility state for this sprite.
void SPR_clear (void)
 Clear all displayed sprites.
void SPR_update (void)
 Update and display the active list of sprite.
void SPR_logProfil (void)
 Log the profil informations (when enabled) in the KMod message window.
void SPR_logSprites (void)
 Log the sprites informations (when enabled) in the KMod message window.


u16 spriteVramSize

Detailed Description

Sprite engine.

Stephane Dallongeville

Sprite engine providing advanced sprites manipulation and operations.
This unit use both the vram memory manager (see vram.h file for more info)
and the Sega Genesis VDP sprite capabilities (see vdp_spr.h file for more info).

Define Documentation

#define SPR_computeVisibility (   sprite)    _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_isVisible(sprite, TRUE) instead.\"")
Use SPR_isVisible(..) instead.
#define SPR_setAlwaysVisible (   sprite,
)    _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_setVisibility(..) instead.\"")
Use SPR_setVisibility(..) method instead.
#define SPR_setNeverVisible (   sprite,
)    _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_setVisibility(..) instead.\"")
Use SPR_setVisibility(..) method instead.
#define SPR_setPriorityAttribut (   sprite,
)    _Pragma("GCC error \"This method is deprecated, use SPR_setPriority(..) instead.\"")
Use SPR_setPriority(..) instead

Typedef Documentation

typedef void FrameChangeCallback(Sprite *sprite)

Sprite frame change event callback.

spriteThe sprite for which frame just changed.

This event occurs onframe change process during SPR_update() call (CAUTION: sprite->status field is not up to date at this point).
It let opportunity to the developer to apply special behavior or process when sprite frame just changed:
for instance we can disable animation looping by setting sprite->timer to 0 when we meet the last animation frame.

typedef struct Sprite Sprite

Sprite structure used by the Sprite Engine to store state for a sprite.
WARNING: always use the SPR_addSprite(..) method to allocate Sprite object.

statusInternal state and automatic allocation information (internal)
visibilityvisibility information of current frame for each VDP sprite (max = 16)
spriteDefSprite definition pointer
onFrameChangeCustom callback on frame change event (see SPR_setFrameChangeCallback(..) method)
animationAnimation pointer cache (internal)
frameAnimationFrame pointer cache (internal)
animIndcurrent animation index (internal)
frameIndcurrent frame animation index (internal)
timertimer for current frame (internal)
xcurrent sprite X position on screen offseted by 0x80 (internal VDP position)
ycurrent sprite Y position on screen offseted by 0x80 (internal VDP position)
depthcurrent sprite depth (Z) position used for Z sorting
attributsprite specific attribut and allocated VRAM tile index (see TILE_ATTR_FULL() macro)
datathis is a free field for user data, use it for whatever you want (flags, pointer...)
prevpointer on previous Sprite in list
nextpointer on next Sprite in list

Used to manage an active sprite in game condition.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Sprite visibility enumeration.


Sprite is visible (no computation needed)


Sprite is hidden (no computation needed)


Automatic visibility calculation - FAST (computation made on global meta sprite)


Automatic visibility calculation - SLOW (computation made per hardware sprite)

Function Documentation

Sprite* SPR_addSprite ( const SpriteDefinition spriteDef,
s16  x,
s16  y,
u16  attribut 

Adds a new sprite with auto resource allocation enabled and returns it.

spriteDefthe SpriteDefinition data to assign to this sprite.
xdefault X position.
ydefault Y position.
attributsprite attribut (see TILE_ATTR() macro).
the new sprite or NULL if the operation failed (some logs can be generated in the KMod console in this case)

By default the sprite uses automatic resources allocation (VRAM and hardware sprite) and visibility is set to ON.
You can change these defaults settings later by calling SPR_setVRAMTileIndex(..), SPR_setAutoTileUpload(..) and SPR_setVisibility(..) methods.
You can release all sprite resources by using SPR_releaseSprite(..) or SPR_reset(..).
IMPORTANT NOTE: sprite allocation can fail (return NULL) because of automatic VRAM allocation even if there is enough VRAM available, this can happen because of the VRAM fragmentation.
You can use SPR_addSpriteSafe(..) method instead so it take care about VRAM fragmentation.

See also:
Sprite* SPR_addSpriteEx ( const SpriteDefinition spriteDef,
s16  x,
s16  y,
u16  attribut,
u16  flag 

Adds a new sprite with specified parameters and returns it.

spriteDefthe SpriteDefinition data to assign to this sprite.
xdefault X position.
ydefault Y position.
attributsprite attribut (see TILE_ATTR() macro).
flagspecific settings for this sprite:
SPR_FLAG_DISABLE_DELAYED_FRAME_UPDATE = Disable delaying of frame update when we are running out of DMA capacity.
If you set this flag then sprite frame update always happen immediately but may lead to some graphical glitches (tiles data and sprite table data not synchronized). You can use SPR_setDelayedFrameUpdate(..) method to change this setting.
SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VISIBILITY = Enable automatic sprite visibility calculation (you can also use SPR_setVisibility(..) method).
SPR_FLAG_FAST_AUTO_VISIBILITY = Enable fast computation for the automatic visibility calculation (disabled by default)
If you set this flag the automatic visibility calculation will be done globally for the (meta) sprite and not per internal hardware sprite. This result in faster visibility computation at the expense of some waste of hardware sprite. You can set the automatic visibility computation by using SPR_setVisibility(..) method.
SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VRAM_ALLOC = Enable automatic VRAM allocation (enabled by default)
If you don't set this flag you will have to manually define VRAM tile index position for this sprite with the attribut parameter or by using the SPR_setVRAMTileIndex(..) method
SPR_FLAG_AUTO_TILE_UPLOAD = Enable automatic upload of sprite tiles data into VRAM (enabled by default)
If you don't set this flag you will have to manually upload tiles data of sprite into the VRAM (you can change this setting using SPR_setAutoTileUpload(..) method).
SPR_FLAG_INSERT_HEAD = Allow to insert the sprite at the start/head of the list.
When you use this flag the sprite will be inserted at the head of the list making it top most (equivalent to SPR_setDepth(SPR_MIN_DEPTH))
while default insertion position is at the end of the list (equivalent to SPR_setDepth(SPR_MAX_DEPTH))

It's recommended to use the following default settings:
the new sprite or NULL if the operation failed (some logs can be generated in the KMod console in this case)

By default the sprite uses the provided flag setting for automatic resources allocation and sprite visibility computation.
If auto visibility is not enabled then sprite is considered as not visible by default (see SPR_setVisibility(..) method).
You can release all sprite resources by using SPR_releaseSprite(..) or SPR_reset(..).
IMPORTANT NOTE: sprite allocation can fail (return NULL) when you are using auto VRAM allocation (SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VRAM_ALLOC) even if there is enough VRAM available,
this can happen because of the VRAM fragmentation. You can use SPR_addSpriteExSafe(..) method instead so it take care about VRAM fragmentation.

See also:
Sprite* SPR_addSpriteExSafe ( const SpriteDefinition spriteDef,
s16  x,
s16  y,
u16  attribut,
u16  flag 

Adds a new sprite with specified parameters and returns it.

spriteDefthe SpriteDefinition data to assign to this sprite.
xdefault X position.
ydefault Y position.
attributsprite attribut (see TILE_ATTR() macro).
flagspecific settings for this sprite:
SPR_FLAG_DISABLE_DELAYED_FRAME_UPDATE = Disable delaying of frame update when we are running out of DMA capacity.
If you set this flag then sprite frame update always happen immediately but may lead to some graphical glitches (tiles data and sprite table data not synchronized). You can use SPR_setDelayedFrameUpdate(..) method to change this setting.
SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VISIBILITY = Enable automatic sprite visibility calculation (you can also use SPR_setVisibility(..) method).
SPR_FLAG_FAST_AUTO_VISIBILITY = Enable fast computation for the automatic visibility calculation (disabled by default)
If you set this flag the automatic visibility calculation will be done globally for the (meta) sprite and not per internal hardware sprite. This result in faster visibility computation at the expense of some waste of hardware sprite (scanline limit). You can set the automatic visibility computation by using SPR_setVisibility(..) method.
SPR_FLAG_AUTO_VRAM_ALLOC = Enable automatic VRAM allocation (enabled by default)
If you don't set this flag you will have to manually define VRAM tile index position for this sprite with the attribut parameter or by using the SPR_setVRAMTileIndex(..) method
SPR_FLAG_AUTO_TILE_UPLOAD = Enable automatic upload of sprite tiles data into VRAM (enabled by default)
If you don't set this flag you will have to manually upload tiles data of sprite into the VRAM (you can change this setting using SPR_setAutoTileUpload(..) method).
SPR_FLAG_INSERT_HEAD = Allow to insert the sprite at the start/head of the list.
When you use this flag the sprite will be inserted at the head of the list making it top most (equivalent to SPR_setDepth(SPR_MIN_DEPTH))
while default insertion position is at the end of the list (equivalent to SPR_setDepth(SPR_MAX_DEPTH))

It's recommended to use the following default settings:
the new sprite or NULL if the operation failed (some logs can be generated in the KMod console in this case)

By default the sprite uses the provided flag setting for automatic resources allocation and sprite visibility computation.
If auto visibility is not enabled then sprite is considered as not visible by default (see SPR_setVisibility(..) method).
You can release all sprite resources by using SPR_releaseSprite(..) or SPR_reset(..).

See also:
Sprite* SPR_addSpriteSafe ( const SpriteDefinition spriteDef,
s16  x,
s16  y,
u16  attribut 

Adds a new sprite with auto resource allocation enabled and returns it.

spriteDefthe SpriteDefinition data to assign to this sprite.
xdefault X position.
ydefault Y position.
attributsprite attribut (see TILE_ATTR() macro).
the new sprite or NULL if the operation failed (some logs can be generated in the KMod console in this case)

By default the sprite uses automatic resources allocation (VRAM and hardware sprite) and visibility is set to ON.
You can change these defaults settings later by calling SPR_setVRAMTileIndex(..), SPR_setAutoTileUpload(..) and SPR_setVisibility(..) methods.
You can release all sprite resources by using SPR_releaseSprite(..) or SPR_reset(..).<

See also:
void SPR_clear ( void  )

Clear all displayed sprites.

This method allow to quickly hide all sprites (without releasing their resources).
Sprites can be displayed again just by calling SPR_update().

void SPR_disableVDPSpriteChecking ( )

Indicate that we allow the sprite engine to add a new sprite even if we may run out of hardware sprite to display all of them, that can lead to some sprite disappearence in some situation but ultimately it allows to handle more active sprites at once (default behavior).

See also:
void SPR_enableVDPSpriteChecking ( )

Indicate that we want to prevent adding a new sprite if there is possibly not enough hardware sprite to display it (counting the maximum hardware sprite usage from all active sprites) and so this ensures to always display all of them.
By default the sprite engine allow to add a new sprite even if we may run out of hardware sprite to display all of them, that can lead to some sprite disappearence in some situations but ultimately it allows to handle more active sprites at once.

See also:
void SPR_end ( void  )

End the Sprite engine.

End the sprite engine and release attached resources.
This releases the allocated VRAM region and hardware sprites.

bool SPR_getAnimationDone ( Sprite sprite)

Return TRUE if animation ended / looped.
This can be used with the frame change callback (see SPR_setFrameChangeCallback(..)) to detect the end of sprite animation and do appropriate action if required.

See also:
SPR_setAnimationLoop(Sprite*, bool)
SpriteVisibility SPR_getVisibility ( Sprite sprite)

Return the visibility state for this sprite.
WARNING: this is different from SPR_isVisible(..) method, possible value are:
SpriteVisibility.VISIBLE = sprite is visible
SpriteVisibility.HIDDEN = sprite is not visible
SpriteVisibility.AUTO_FAST = visibility is automatically computed - global visibility (only using sprite X position)
SpriteVisibility.AUTO_SLOW = visibility is automatically computed - per hardware sprite visibility (only using sprite X position)

spriteSprite to return visibility state
the visibility state for this sprite.
See also:
void SPR_init ( void  )

Initialize the Sprite engine with default parameters.

Initialize the sprite engine using default parameters (420 reserved tiles in VRAM).
This also initialize the hardware sprite allocation system.

See also:
void SPR_initEx ( u16  vramSize)

Init the Sprite engine with specified advanced parameters (VRAM allocation size and decompression buffer size).

vramSizesize (in tile) of the VRAM region for the automatic VRAM tile allocation.
If set to 0 the default size is used (420 tiles)

Initialize the sprite engine.
This allocates a VRAM region for sprite tiles and initialize hardware sprite allocation system.

See also:
bool SPR_isVisible ( Sprite sprite,
bool  recompute 

Return the visible state for this sprite (meaningful only if AUTO visibility is enabled, see SPR_setVisibility(..) method).

spriteSprite to return visible state
recomputeForce visibility computation.
Only required if SPR_update() wasn't called since last sprite position change (note that can force the frame update processing).

Note that only the sprite X position is used to determine if it's visible (see SPR_setVisibility(..) method for more information)

the visible state for this sprite.
See also:
u16** SPR_loadAllFrames ( const SpriteDefinition sprDef,
u16  index,
u16 totalNumTile 

Load all frames of SpriteDefinition (using DMA) at specified VRAM tile index and return the indexes table.
WARNING: This function should be call at init/loading time as it can be quite long (several frames)

sprDefthe SpriteDefinition we want to load frame data in VRAM.
indexthe tile position in VRAM where we will upload all sprite frame tiles data.
totalNumTileif not NULL then the function will store here the total number of tile used to load all animation frames.

Load all frames of spriteDef (using DMA) at specified VRAM tile index and return the indexes table.
The returned index table is a dynamically allocated 2D table[anim][frame] so you need to release it using MEM_free(..) when you don't need the table anymore.
You can use the frame change callback (see SPR_setFrameChangeCallback(..)) to automatically update the VRAM index using the indexes table:
frameIndexes = SPR_loadAllFrames(sprite->definition, ind);
SPR_setFrameChangeCallback(sprite, &frameChanged);
void frameChanged(Sprite* sprite)
u16 tileIndex = frameIndexes[sprite->animInd][sprite->frameInd];
SPR_setVRAMTileIndex(sprite, tileIndex);

the 2D indexes table or NULL if there is not enough memory to allocate the table.
See also:
void SPR_nextFrame ( Sprite sprite)

Pass to the next sprite frame.

spriteSprite to pass to next frame for
void SPR_releaseSprite ( Sprite sprite)

Release the specified sprite (no more visible and release its resources).

spriteSprite to release

This method release resources for the specified Sprite object and remove it from the screen at next SPR_update() call.

See also:
void SPR_reset ( void  )

Reset the Sprite engine.

This method releases all allocated sprites and their resources.

void SPR_setAlwaysAtBottom ( Sprite sprite)

Set sprite depth so it remains behind others sprite - same as SPR_setDepth(SPR_MAX_DEPTH)

spriteSprite to change depth for
See also:
void SPR_setAlwaysOnTop ( Sprite sprite)

Set sprite depth so it remains above others sprite - same as SPR_setDepth(SPR_MIN_DEPTH)

spriteSprite to change depth for
See also:
void SPR_setAnim ( Sprite sprite,
s16  anim 

Set current sprite animation.

spriteSprite to set animation for
animanimation index to set.
void SPR_setAnimAndFrame ( Sprite sprite,
s16  anim,
s16  frame 

Set current sprite animation and frame.

spriteSprite to set animation and frame for
animanimation index to set
frameframe index to set
void SPR_setAnimationLoop ( Sprite sprite,
bool  value 

Enable/disable animation loop (default is on).
When disable the sprite will stay on the last animation frame forever when animation ended instead of restarting it.

spriteSprite we want to enable/disable animation loop for.
valueTRUE to enable animation loop (default), FALSE otherwise
See also:
void SPR_setAutoTileUpload ( Sprite sprite,
bool  value 

Enable/disable the automatic upload of sprite tiles data into VRAM.

spriteSprite we want to enable/disable auto tile upload for
valueTRUE to enable the automatic upload of sprite tiles data into VRAM.
FALSE to disable it (mean you have to handle that on your own).
bool SPR_setDefinition ( Sprite sprite,
const SpriteDefinition spriteDef 

Set the Sprite Definition.

spriteSprite to set definition for.
spriteDefthe SpriteDefinition data to assign to this sprite.

Set the Sprite Definition for this sprite.
By default the first frame of the first animation from Sprite Definition is loaded.

FALSE if auto resource allocation failed, TRUE otherwise.
void SPR_setDelayedFrameUpdate ( Sprite sprite,
bool  value 

Enable/disable the delayed frame update.

spriteSprite we want to enable/disable delayed frame update
valueTRUE to enable the delayed frame update when DMA is running out of transfert capacity (default).
FALSE to disable it. In which case sprite frame is always updated immediately but that may cause graphical glitches (update during active display).
See also:
void SPR_setDepth ( Sprite sprite,
s16  value 

Set sprite depth (for sprite display ordering)

spriteSprite to set depth for
valueThe depth value (SPR_MIN_DEPTH to set always on top)

Sprite having lower depth are display in front of sprite with higher depth.
The sprite is *immediately* sorted when its depth value is changed.

void SPR_setFrame ( Sprite sprite,
s16  frame 

Set current sprite frame.

spriteSprite to set frame for
frameframe index to set.
void SPR_setFrameChangeCallback ( Sprite sprite,
FrameChangeCallback callback 

Set the frame change event callback for this sprite.

spriteSprite we want to set the frame change callback
callbackthe callback (function pointer) to call when we just changed the animation frame for this sprite.

The callback (if not NULL) will be called on frame change process during SPR_update() call (CAUTION: sprite->status field is not up to date at this point).
It let opportunity to the developer to apply special behavior or process when sprite frame just changed:
for instance we can disable animation looping by setting sprite->timer to 0 when we meet the last animation frame.

See also:
void SPR_setHFlip ( Sprite sprite,
bool  value 

Set sprite Horizontal Flip attribut.

spriteSprite to set attribut for
valueThe horizontal flip attribut value (TRUE or FALSE)
void SPR_setPalette ( Sprite sprite,
u16  value 

Set sprite Palette index to use.

spriteSprite to set attribut for
valueThe palette index to use for this sprite (PAL0, PAL1, PAL2 or PAL3)
void SPR_setPosition ( Sprite sprite,
s16  x,
s16  y 

Set sprite position.

spriteSprite to set position for
xX position
yY position
void SPR_setPriority ( Sprite sprite,
bool  value 

Set sprite Priority attribut.

spriteSprite to set attribut for
valueThe priority attribut value (TRUE or FALSE)
void SPR_setVFlip ( Sprite sprite,
bool  value 

Set sprite Vertical Flip attribut.

spriteSprite to set attribut for
valueThe vertical flip attribut value (TRUE or FALSE)
void SPR_setVisibility ( Sprite sprite,
SpriteVisibility  value 

Set the visibility state for this sprite.

spriteSprite to set the visibility information
valueVisibility value to set.
SpriteVisibility.VISIBLE = sprite is visible
SpriteVisibility.HIDDEN = sprite is not visible
SpriteVisibility.AUTO_FAST = visibility is automatically computed - global visibility (only using sprite X position)
SpriteVisibility.AUTO_SLOW = visibility is automatically computed - per hardware sprite visibility (only using sprite X position)

The only interest in having a sprite hidden / not visible is to avoid having it consuming scanline sprite budget:
The VDP is limited to a maximum of 20 sprites or 320 pixels of sprite per scanline (16 sprites/256 px in H32 mode).
If we reach this limit, following sprites won't be renderer so it's important to try to optimize the number of sprites on a single scanline.
When a sprite is set to not visible (automatically or manually), its position is set offscreen *vertically* so it won't eat anymore the scanline sprite rendering budget, only X position test is required for that so a sprite is determined not visible only using its X coordinate.

See also:
bool SPR_setVRAMTileIndex ( Sprite sprite,
s16  value 

Set the VRAM tile position reserved for this sprite.

spriteSprite to set the VRAM tile position for
valuethe tile position in VRAM where we will upload the sprite tiles data.
Use -1 for auto allocation.
FALSE if auto allocation failed (can happen only if sprite is currently active), TRUE otherwise

By default the Sprite Engine auto allocate VRAM for sprites tiles but you can force manual allocation and fix the sprite tiles position in VRAM with this method.

void SPR_update ( void  )

Update and display the active list of sprite.

This actually updates all internal active sprites states and prepare the sprite list cache to send it to the hardware (VDP) at Vint.

See also:

Variable Documentation

First allocated sprite (NULL if no sprite allocated)

Last allocated sprite (NULL if no sprite allocated)

Sprites object pool for the sprite engine

Allocated VRAM (in tile) for Sprite Engine

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