VDP sprite definition structure replicating VDP hardware sprite. More...
#include <vdp_spr.h>
Public Attributes | |
s16 | y |
union { | |
struct { | |
u16 unused1: 4 | |
u16 sizeH: 2 | |
u16 sizeV: 2 | |
u16 unused2: 1 | |
u16 linkData: 7 | |
} | |
struct { | |
u8 size | |
u8 link | |
} | |
u16 size_link | |
}; | |
union { | |
u16 attribut | |
struct { | |
u16 priority: 1 | |
u16 palette: 2 | |
u16 flipV: 1 | |
u16 flipH: 1 | |
u16 tile: 11 | |
} | |
}; | |
s16 | x |
VDP sprite definition structure replicating VDP hardware sprite.
y | Y position - 0x80 (0x80 = 0 on screen). Valid values: [0 - 1023] |
size | sprite size (see SPRITE_SIZE macro) |
sizeH | horizontal size. Valid values: 0 -> 8, 1 -> 16, 2 -> 24, 3 -> 32 |
sizeV | vertical size. Valid values: 0 -> 8, 1 -> 16, 2 -> 24, 3 -> 32 |
link | sprite link, this information is used to define sprite drawing order (use 0 to force end of list) |
attribut | tile index and sprite attribut (priority, palette, H/V flip), see TILE_ATTR_FULL macro |
priority | sprite priority. Valid values: 0 -> low, 1 -> high |
palette | palette index. Valid values: [0, 3] |
flipV | vertical flip. Valid values: 0 -> normal, 1 -> flipped |
flipH | horizontal flip. Valid values: 0 -> normal, 1 -> flipped |
tile | tile index. Valid values: [0, 2047] |
x | X position - 0x80 (0x80 = 0 on screen). Valid values: [0 - 1023] |