Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #ifndef _TOOLS_H_
00011 #define _TOOLS_H_
00013 #include "bmp.h"
00014 #include "vdp_tile.h"
00015 #include "vdp_bg.h"
00016 #include "map.h"
00023 #define COMPRESSION_NONE        0
00028 #define COMPRESSION_APLIB       1
00033 #define COMPRESSION_LZ4W        2
00046 typedef s16 _comparatorCallback(void* o1, void* o2);
00053 void setRandomSeed(u16 seed);
00058 u16 random(void);
00085 u16 kprintf(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
00092 void KLog(char* text);
00093 void KLog_U1(char* t1, u32 v1);
00094 void KLog_U2(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2);
00095 void KLog_U3(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3);
00096 void KLog_U4(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3, char* t4, u32 v4);
00097 void KLog_U1_(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2);
00098 void KLog_U2_(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3);
00099 void KLog_U3_(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3, char* t4);
00100 void KLog_U4_(char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3, char* t4, u32 v4, char* t5);
00101 void KLog_U1x(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1);
00102 void KLog_U2x(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2);
00103 void KLog_U3x(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3);
00104 void KLog_U4x(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3, char* t4, u32 v4);
00105 void KLog_U1x_(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2);
00106 void KLog_U2x_(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3);
00107 void KLog_U3x_(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3, char* t4);
00108 void KLog_U4x_(u16 minSize, char* t1, u32 v1, char* t2, u32 v2, char* t3, u32 v3, char* t4, u32 v4, char* t5);
00109 void KLog_S1(char* t1, s32 v1);
00110 void KLog_S2(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2);
00111 void KLog_S3(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3, s32 v3);
00112 void KLog_S4(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3, s32 v3, char* t4, s32 v4);
00113 void KLog_S1_(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2);
00114 void KLog_S2_(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3);
00115 void KLog_S3_(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3, s32 v3, char* t4);
00116 void KLog_S4_(char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3, s32 v3, char* t4, s32 v4, char* t5);
00117 void KLog_S1x(u16 minSize, char* t1, s32 v1);
00118 void KLog_S2x(u16 minSize, char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2);
00119 void KLog_S3x(u16 minSize, char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3, s32 v3);
00120 void KLog_S4x(u16 minSize, char* t1, s32 v1, char* t2, s32 v2, char* t3, s32 v3, char* t4, s32 v4);
00121 void KLog_f1(char* t1, fix16 v1);
00122 void KLog_f2(char* t1, fix16 v1, char* t2, fix16 v2);
00123 void KLog_f3(char* t1, fix16 v1, char* t2, fix16 v2, char* t3, fix16 v3);
00124 void KLog_f4(char* t1, fix16 v1, char* t2, fix16 v2, char* t3, fix16 v3, char* t4, fix16 v4);
00125 void KLog_f1x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix16 v1);
00126 void KLog_f2x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix16 v1, char* t2, fix16 v2);
00127 void KLog_f3x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix16 v1, char* t2, fix16 v2, char* t3, fix16 v3);
00128 void KLog_f4x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix16 v1, char* t2, fix16 v2, char* t3, fix16 v3, char* t4, fix16 v4);
00129 void KLog_F1(char* t1, fix32 v1);
00130 void KLog_F2(char* t1, fix32 v1, char* t2, fix32 v2);
00131 void KLog_F3(char* t1, fix32 v1, char* t2, fix32 v2, char* t3, fix32 v3);
00132 void KLog_F4(char* t1, fix32 v1, char* t2, fix32 v2, char* t3, fix32 v3, char* t4, fix32 v4);
00133 void KLog_F1x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix32 v1);
00134 void KLog_F2x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix32 v1, char* t2, fix32 v2);
00135 void KLog_F3x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix32 v1, char* t2, fix32 v2, char* t3, fix32 v3);
00136 void KLog_F4x(s16 numDec, char* t1, fix32 v1, char* t2, fix32 v2, char* t3, fix32 v3, char* t4, fix32 v4);
00151 Bitmap *allocateBitmap(const Bitmap *bitmap);
00166 Bitmap *allocateBitmapEx(u16 width, u16 heigth);
00178 TileSet *allocateTileSet(const TileSet *tileset);
00190 TileSet *allocateTileSetEx(u16 numTile);
00202 TileMap *allocateTileMap(const TileMap *tilemap);
00216 TileMap *allocateTileMapEx(u16 width, u16 heigth);
00229 Image *allocateImage(const Image *image);
00241 Map *allocateMap(const MapDefinition *mapDef);
00257 Bitmap *unpackBitmap(const Bitmap *src, Bitmap *dest);
00272 TileSet *unpackTileSet(const TileSet *src, TileSet *dest);
00287 TileMap *unpackTileMap(const TileMap *src, TileMap *dest);
00302 Image *unpackImage(const Image *src, Image *dest);
00320 u32 unpack(u16 compression, u8 *src, u8 *dest);
00333 u32 aplib_unpack(u8 *src, u8 *dest);
00346 u32 lz4w_unpack(const u8 *src, u8 *dest);
00360 void qsort_u8(u8 *data, u16 left, u16 right);
00372 void qsort_s8(s8 *data, u16 left, u16 right);
00384 void qsort_u16(u16 *data, u16 left, u16 right);
00396 void qsort_s16(s16 *data, u16 left, u16 right);
00408 void qsort_u32(u32 *data, u16 left, u16 right);
00420 void qsort_s32(s32 *data, u16 left, u16 right);
00433 void qsort(void** data, u16 len, _comparatorCallback* cb);
00437 #endif // _TOOLS_H_
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