xgm2.h File Reference

XGM2 sound driver. More...

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void XGM2_loadDriver (bool waitReady)
 Load the XGM2 sound driver.
void XGM2_unloadDriver (void)
 Unload the XGM2 sound driver.
bool XGM2_isPlaying (void)
 Returns play music state.
void XGM2_load (const u8 *song)
 Load the specified XGM2 music blob (prepare for play, useful for multi tracks XGM2 music)
void XGM2_load_FAR (const u8 *song, const u32 len)
 Same as XGM2_load(..) except it supports access through bank switch.
void XGM2_playTrack (const u16 track)
 Start playing the specified track (need to call XGM2_load(..) first)
void XGM2_play (const u8 *song)
 Start playing the specified XGM2 music blob (fast play for single track XGM2 music)
void XGM2_play_FAR (const u8 *song, const u32 len)
 Same as XGM2_play(..) except it supports music accessible through bank switch.
void XGM2_stop (void)
 Stop playing music (cannot be resumed).

void XGM2_pause (void)
 Pause playing music, music can be resumed by calling XGM2_resume().
Note that due to the nature of the music chip (FM synthesis), resume play operation will never be perfect and some notes will miss until next key-on event occurs.
void XGM2_resume (void)
 Resume playing music after pausing with XGM2_stop().
Note that due to the nature of the music chip (FM synthesis), resume play operation will never be perfect and some notes will miss until next key-on event occurs.
u8 XGM2_isPlayingPCM (const u16 channel_mask)
 Return play status of specified PCM channel.
void XGM2_playPCM (const u8 *sample, const u32 len, const SoundPCMChannel channel)
 Play a PCM sample on specified channel (XGM2 music player driver).
The method automatically select the channel to use.
void XGM2_playPCMEx (const u8 *sample, const u32 len, const SoundPCMChannel channel, const u8 priority, const bool halfRate, const bool loop)
 Play a PCM sample on specified channel (XGM2 music player driver).
If a sample was currently playing on this channel then priority of the newer sample should be are compared then it's stopped and the new sample is played instead.
Note that music may use the first PCM channel so it's better to use channel 2 to 4 for SFX.
void XGM2_stopPCM (const SoundPCMChannel channel)
 Stop play PCM on specified channel (XGM2 music player driver).
No effect if no sample was currently playing on this channel.
bool XGM2_isProcessingFade (void)
void XGM2_fadeIn (const u16 numFrame)
 Process music volume "fade-in" effect, must be called right after a "start play" or "resume" command.
Gradually increase FM and PSG volume starting from 0 up to the current volume levels.
void XGM2_fadeOut (const u16 numFrame)
 Process music volume "fade-out" effect.
Gradually decrease FM and PSG volume starting from current levels down to 0.
void XGM2_fadeOutAndStop (const u16 numFrame)
 Process music volume "fade-out" effect and stop.
Gradually decrease FM and PSG volume starting from current levels down to 0, then issue a 'stop play' command.
void XGM2_fadeOutAndPause (const u16 numFrame)
 Process music volume "fade-out" effect and pause.
Gradually decrease FM and PSG volume starting from current levels down to 0, then issue a 'stop play' command.
void XGM2_fadeTo (const u16 fmVolume, const u16 psgVolume, const u16 numFrame)
 Process a specific music volume "fade" effect.
Gradually change FM and PSG volume starting from current levels to the specified ones.
void XGM2_setLoopNumber (const s8 value)
 Set the loop number for music with loop command.
Default value is -1 for pseudo unfinite (255) loops plays. A value of 0 means single play without any loop, 1 = single play + 1 loop...
u32 XGM2_getElapsed (void)
 Return the elapsed play time since the last XGM2_play(..) call.
The returned value is in music frame which can be 50/60 per second depending the base music play rate (NTSC/PAL).
u16 XGM2_getMusicTempo (void)
 Get the current music tempo (in tick per second).
Default value is 60 or 50 depending the system is NTSC or PAL.
This method is meaningful only if you use the automatic music sync mode (see XGM2_setManualSync() method) which is the default mode.
Note that using specific tempo (not 60 or 50) will affect performance of DMA contention and external command parsing so it's recommended to stand with default one.
void XGM2_setMusicTempo (const u16 value)
 Set the music tempo (in tick per second).
Default value is 60 or 50 depending the system is NTSC or PAL. This method is meaningful only if you use the automatic music sync mode (see XGM2_setManualSync() method) which is the default mode.
Note that using specific tempo (not 60 or 50) can completely distord FM instruments sound and affect performance of DMA contention and external command parsing so it's recommended to stand with default one.
void XGM2_setFMVolume (const u16 value)
 Set the volume level for the FM music part.
void XGM2_setPSGVolume (const u16 value)
 Set the volume level for the PSG music part.
bool XGM2_isPAL (const u8 *xgm2)
 Returns TRUE if specified xgm2 use PAL timing.
u16 XGM2_getCPULoad (const bool mean)
 Returns an estimation of the Z80 CPU load (XGM2 driver).
u16 XGM2_getDMAWaitTime (const bool mean)
 Returns an estimation of the Z80 CPU time spent in waiting for DMA completion (see Z80_setBusProtection(bool) method).
u16 XGM2_getDebugFrameCounter (void)
 Returns the internal frame counter (v-int process number).
Debug function to verify the driver is working optimally.
u16 XGM2_getDebugPCMRate (void)
 Returns the real PCM playback rate (XGM2 driver).
Debug function to verify the driver is working optimally.
u8 XGM2_getDebugMissedFrames (void)
 Returns the number of missed frames since last startPlay command.
Debug function to verify the driver is working optimally.
u8 XGM2_getDebugProcessDuration (const u16 ind)
 Returns the ending process time in number of sample for the specified v-int process (v-int process number).
Debug function to verify the driver is working optimally.

Detailed Description

XGM2 sound driver.

Stephane Dallongeville

This unit provides methods to use the XGM2 (eXtended Genesis Music) sound driver.
It takes VGM (or XGM2) file as input to play music.
It supports 3 PCM channels at either 13.3 Khz or 6.65 Khz and envelop control for both FM and PSG.
It allows to play SFX through PCM with 16 level of priority.
The driver supports renforced protection against DMA contention.

Function Documentation

void XGM2_fadeIn ( const u16  numFrame)

Process music volume "fade-in" effect, must be called right after a "start play" or "resume" command.
Gradually increase FM and PSG volume starting from 0 up to the current volume levels.

numFrameDuration of music fade-in effect in number of frame.
void XGM2_fadeOut ( const u16  numFrame)

Process music volume "fade-out" effect.
Gradually decrease FM and PSG volume starting from current levels down to 0.

numFrameDuration of music fade-out effect in number of frame.
void XGM2_fadeOutAndPause ( const u16  numFrame)

Process music volume "fade-out" effect and pause.
Gradually decrease FM and PSG volume starting from current levels down to 0, then issue a 'stop play' command.

numFrameDuration of music fade-out effect in number of frame.
void XGM2_fadeOutAndStop ( const u16  numFrame)

Process music volume "fade-out" effect and stop.
Gradually decrease FM and PSG volume starting from current levels down to 0, then issue a 'stop play' command.

numFrameDuration of music fade-out effect in number of frame.
void XGM2_fadeTo ( const u16  fmVolume,
const u16  psgVolume,
const u16  numFrame 

Process a specific music volume "fade" effect.
Gradually change FM and PSG volume starting from current levels to the specified ones.

fmVolumeFM volume to reach at the end of fade effect.
psgVolumePSG volume to reach at the end of fade effect.
numFrameDuration of music fade effect in number of frame.
u16 XGM2_getCPULoad ( const bool  mean)

Returns an estimation of the Z80 CPU load (XGM2 driver).

meanif set to TRUE then return a mean load computed on the last 8 frames otherwise return instant last frame load
u16 XGM2_getDMAWaitTime ( const bool  mean)

Returns an estimation of the Z80 CPU time spent in waiting for DMA completion (see Z80_setBusProtection(bool) method).

meanif set to TRUE then return a mean wait computed on the last 8 frames otherwise return instant last frame DMA wait
u32 XGM2_getElapsed ( void  )

Return the elapsed play time since the last XGM2_play(..) call.
The returned value is in music frame which can be 50/60 per second depending the base music play rate (NTSC/PAL).

See also:
u16 XGM2_getMusicTempo ( void  )

Get the current music tempo (in tick per second).
Default value is 60 or 50 depending the system is NTSC or PAL.
This method is meaningful only if you use the automatic music sync mode (see XGM2_setManualSync() method) which is the default mode.
Note that using specific tempo (not 60 or 50) will affect performance of DMA contention and external command parsing so it's recommended to stand with default one.

See also:
u8 XGM2_isPlayingPCM ( const u16  channel_mask)

Return play status of specified PCM channel.

channel_maskChannel(s) we want to retrieve play state.
SOUND_PCM_CH1_MSK = channel 1
SOUND_PCM_CH2_MSK = channel 2
SOUND_PCM_CH3_MSK = channel 3

You can combine mask to retrieve state of severals channels at once:
will actually return play state for channel 1 and channel 2.
Return the channel mask of current playing channel(s).
For instance it returns (SOUND_PCM_CH1_MSK | SOUND_PCM_CH3_MSK) if channels 1 and 3 are currently playing.
See also:
bool XGM2_isProcessingFade ( void  )
TRUE if currently processing a volume fade effect, FALSE otherwise.
void XGM2_load ( const u8 song)

Load the specified XGM2 music blob (prepare for play, useful for multi tracks XGM2 music)

songXGM2 music blob address
See also:
void XGM2_load_FAR ( const u8 song,
const u32  len 

Same as XGM2_load(..) except it supports access through bank switch.

songXGM2 music blob address
lenXGM2 music blob size (in byte)
See also:
void XGM2_loadDriver ( bool  waitReady)

Load the XGM2 sound driver.

Don't use this method directly, use Z80_loadDriver(..) instead.

void XGM2_pause ( void  )

Pause playing music, music can be resumed by calling XGM2_resume().
Note that due to the nature of the music chip (FM synthesis), resume play operation will never be perfect and some notes will miss until next key-on event occurs.

See also:
void XGM2_play ( const u8 song)

Start playing the specified XGM2 music blob (fast play for single track XGM2 music)

songXGM2 track address.
See also:
void XGM2_play_FAR ( const u8 song,
const u32  len 

Same as XGM2_play(..) except it supports music accessible through bank switch.

songXGM2 track address.
lenXGM2 track size (in byte)
See also:
void XGM2_playPCM ( const u8 sample,
const u32  len,
const SoundPCMChannel  channel 

Play a PCM sample on specified channel (XGM2 music player driver).
The method automatically select the channel to use.

sampleSample address, should be 256 bytes boundary aligned
(SGDK automatically align WAV resource as needed)
lenSize of sample in bytes, should be a multiple of 256
(SGDK automatically adjust WAV resource size as needed)
channelChannel to use to play sample.
SOUND_PCM_CH_AUTO = auto selection from current channel usage
SOUND_PCM_CH1 = channel 1 (usually used by music)
SOUND_PCM_CH2 = channel 2
SOUND_PCM_CH3 = channel 3
See also:
void XGM2_playPCMEx ( const u8 sample,
const u32  len,
const SoundPCMChannel  channel,
const u8  priority,
const bool  halfRate,
const bool  loop 

Play a PCM sample on specified channel (XGM2 music player driver).
If a sample was currently playing on this channel then priority of the newer sample should be are compared then it's stopped and the new sample is played instead.
Note that music may use the first PCM channel so it's better to use channel 2 to 4 for SFX.

sampleSample address, should be 256 bytes boundary aligned
(SGDK automatically align WAV resource as needed)
lenSize of sample in bytes, should be a multiple of 256
(SGDK automatically adjust WAV resource size as needed)
channelChannel to use to play sample.
SOUND_PCM_CH_AUTO = auto selection from current channel usage
SOUND_PCM_CH1 = channel 1 (usually used by music)
SOUND_PCM_CH2 = channel 2
SOUND_PCM_CH3 = channel 3
priorityValue should go from 0 to 15 where 0 is lowest priority and 15 the highest one.
If the channel was already playing the priority is used to determine if the new SFX should replace the current one (new priority >= old priority).
halfRateSet to TRUE to play the sample at half rate (6.65 Khz) instead of default 13.3 Khz
loopSet to TRUE to enable looping sample play
See also:
void XGM2_playTrack ( const u16  track)

Start playing the specified track (need to call XGM2_load(..) first)

tracktrack index (for multi track XGM2 music blob)
See also:
void XGM2_resume ( void  )

Resume playing music after pausing with XGM2_stop().
Note that due to the nature of the music chip (FM synthesis), resume play operation will never be perfect and some notes will miss until next key-on event occurs.

See also:
void XGM2_setFMVolume ( const u16  value)

Set the volume level for the FM music part.

valuevolume level (0 to 100)
See also:
void XGM2_setMusicTempo ( const u16  value)

Set the music tempo (in tick per second).
Default value is 60 or 50 depending the system is NTSC or PAL. This method is meaningful only if you use the automatic music sync mode (see XGM2_setManualSync() method) which is the default mode.
Note that using specific tempo (not 60 or 50) can completely distord FM instruments sound and affect performance of DMA contention and external command parsing so it's recommended to stand with default one.

See also:
void XGM2_setPSGVolume ( const u16  value)

Set the volume level for the PSG music part.

valuevolume level (0 to 100)
See also:
void XGM2_stop ( void  )

Stop playing music (cannot be resumed).

See also:
void XGM2_stopPCM ( const SoundPCMChannel  channel)

Stop play PCM on specified channel (XGM2 music player driver).
No effect if no sample was currently playing on this channel.

channelChannel we want to stop.
SOUND_PCM_CH1 = channel 1
SOUND_PCM_CH2 = channel 2
SOUND_PCM_CH3 = channel 3
See also:
void XGM2_unloadDriver ( void  )

Unload the XGM2 sound driver.

Don't use this method directly, use Z80_unloadDriver(..) instead.

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