Hello Cidoku! I was wondering if there is any good dictation software that you might know about. I use FUTO Voice Input on my phone but was wondering if there was anything good for desktop and laptops.
Thanks, Your pal
~~IzayaChan 2024-02-16(Fri)21:16:28
I think Windows comes with voice recognition by default. You can look it up.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-02-17(Sat)01:32:06
Thank u cidoku!
~~IzayaChan 2024-02-22(Thu)02:19:48
wow sick music
~~koilsdatter 2024-02-12(Mon)12:16:41
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-02-12(Mon)15:23:39
Hello there and greetings, name is Motoluigi and i somehow stumbled upon this page. Your abilities at coding are pretty nice and i would like to learn from you since i am a rookie myself(i want to make my own game someday by the way). Thanks for your attention and i hope you do well with your projects.
~~Motoluigi 2024-02-03(Sat)15:16:14
Thank you but I think you'd be better off picking a language that calls out to you and just code. Maybe join codeacademy or whatever the kids use these days or grab a book
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-02-03(Sat)17:38:52
hello just saying hi from florida :)
~~David 2024-02-01(Thu)01:06:20
what happens in florida?
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-02-01(Thu)13:18:14
Hello Cidoku,
This is your old pal Izaya
~~IzayaChan 2024-01-30(Tue)23:28:35
Ah, Izaya, hello! Do you still go by that name? As you can see, things remain the same as usual around here. I hope you'll forgive me for all the childish banter we exchanged back in the day, and thank you for always commenting on my videos; don't think I haven't noticed.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-30(Tue)23:56:43
I only go by Izaya around /fs/ people. I usually go by SmirkingCoward or OishiGaming these days.
Truthfully, I don't remember a whole lot from the formspring days, but I remember being fond of you.
Hope you have been doing well! Here's to a fruitful 2024!
~~IzayaChan 2024-01-31(Wed)00:09:22
You too, buddy! Cheers!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-31(Wed)00:27:08
Bonne Novelle Anne Mr Cidoku! I apologise for my delay in responding. I hope its great year, heres a rare persil to start it off.
~~Bibo 2024-01-08(Mon)22:40:20
Thank you, friend! My response comes late as well, but I wish you the same. May this year treat you alright. When's the next update to the site?
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-19(Fri)02:12:38
No worries! As with most things done for fun, Soon TM I've been put on a project to do with OpenStack at work that has a lot of web development in it, so unfortunately my energy for my personal site mostly gets absorbed by that behemoth for now. Coenin.co.uk isn't going anywhere though! once that's out of the way, maybe in the summer I'll have more time to work on the site, until then I'll continue to enjoy your occasional flashes and posts. Best of luck!
~~Bibo 2024-01-23(Tue)17:17:00
Do you like any webcomics? Here is my reccomendation: Nineteen-Ninety Something by Jesse J. Barboza. https://1990somethingcomic.com/comic/january-1-1990-2/
~~Anonymous 2024-01-07(Sun)17:46:33
Humans on Earth by Lobokoni: Really dumb, sometimes macabre, I like it.
DreamCachers by itpuddle: Interesting premise. I enjoy stuff related to dreams. I wonder if it's an active project.
Saints' Calling by GuineaPiggy: I haven't read much of this yet but making a web shoujo manga of that length is audacious and I wish I could do the same.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-08(Mon)01:41:00
>276 Maybe you dont have stories, but you probably have 'themes' or 'ideas', I bet. what are you obsessed about? what would you like to see out there?
~~Anonymous 2024-01-08(Mon)13:51:39
Oh, of course I have themes and ideas in mind. I have a cast of characters and a world, but I always find it hard to tell their stories, although I have managed to do it before.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-08(Mon)14:41:57
Happy new year! I'm starting the year by listening to Let There Be.
~~Anonymous 2024-01-01(Mon)12:11:30
A happy new year to you too, anon. 2023 was intense.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-01(Mon)17:40:52
happy new year ciddy! i still enjoy listening to your eurobeat remixes, hope all is well and continues to be
~~sky 2024-01-01(Mon)00:08:49
Hey, happy new year, sky!! Hope you have a great one. Are you the same one from back then? Nobody's called me "ciddy" for a long time now...
~~ciddy ## Admin 2024-01-01(Mon)02:31:52
Your first album is one of two bandcamp albums I own, brings back memories. Good stuff :]
~~Anonymous 2024-01-01(Mon)00:07:01
Thank you, anon! You mean Cidoku's Night Out, right? My early stuff is so flawed, but I cherish it because of what it meant for me when I made it... really personal stuff. Can't believe it's already 11 years old. Glad to know others can cherish it as well.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-01-01(Mon)02:16:09