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miss you man hope you come back soon ~~soapy 2022-10-31(Mon)16:39:45 No.81

I tip my hat to you, master at the fine game of Puyo Puyo, Cidoku-sensei.
May your talents not go wasted on not liking Puyo Puyo anymore. ~~Anonymous 2022-10-26(Wed)00:18:11 No.77
captura_de_pantalla_-2020-01-09_12-55-39.png (166.68KB, 349x318) Alright, you can stop now. You've posted 9 messages about the same thing, and you clearly want my attention. It really is sad you don't have a better way to communicate, but be patient, and we'll talk about it. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-10-26(Wed)00:26:27 No.78
Cidoku can you please check your E-mail real quick? I sent you a (non-P*yo-related) letter a bit earlier. Please read if you have a quick moment. ~~Koshka 2022-10-26(Wed)00:40:04 No.79

get on.gif (421.24KB, 220x112) hi cool website btw lol cheers + manam shef ~~dane 2022-10-09(Sun)15:37:23 No.76

este website se ve tan genial!! ~~Anonymous 2022-09-23(Fri)20:38:16 No.75

nice page, love the design, its simple but very very nice. im way to normie to understand some of the stuff on herey but the stuff i get, i like :) you seem to be a cool person \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/ ~~herzblutnord 2022-09-20(Tue)21:14:18 No.71
Hehe, thank you! It's fine to be a normie sometimes, it means you get to find cool new stuff made by nerds more often, if you really think about it. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-09-20(Tue)22:01:14 No.72

>changed the URL from /ib/ to /gb/
>didn't redirect the old page to the new one
Bad admin. ~~Anonymous 2022-09-18(Sun)15:06:59 No.69
I did redirect it for a while, then removed it. I wonder how you even noticed. A search engine perhaps? Then I don't care. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-09-18(Sun)15:35:18 No.70 (161.33KB, 960x948) ta muy god su page maistro , no termino de encontrar cosas interesantes ~~naza 2022-09-14(Wed)14:00:47 No.67
Me alegra mucho que lo disfrutes, estimado. Un saludo. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-09-14(Wed)14:53:57 No.68

shiro is so pretty... ~~Anonymous 2022-09-13(Tue)23:16:13 No.65
That's nice of you to say! If you were to tell her that, she'd probably say "..." ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-09-13(Tue)23:40:28 No.66

muah.png (6.36KB, 237x186) Muchas gracias por tu aticulo sobre flash! Pensaba que el programa murió junto con su soporte en internet.... De pequeña pasaba mucho tiempo en Deviantart y siempre quise hacer mi propio juego/animacion de flash. Recien empreze a dibujar, asi que me alegro de que el programa siga vivo, a ver si puedo haver algo pronto con el. A seguir el sueño de la yo de 15 años...! ~~Michi 2022-09-11(Sun)15:32:24 No.63
1626196252087.jpg (27.69KB, 512x288) Hola, gracias a ti por leerlo. La verdad es que la "muerte" de Flash fue muy exagerada y todavía funciona muy bien como herramienta de ilustración y animación. ¡Mucho ánimo, sigue tus sueños y ojalá poder ver tus dibujos algún día! ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-09-11(Sun)19:42:21 No.64

48782312_p0.jpg (221.31KB, 1300x1542) Hello there! Thanks for following me.
I really enjoy the look and feel of your website.
Also I can't help but appreciate some of the articles you've made - the nostalgia piece of thought is straight on point; and your memories of the old Game Maker made me relive my own experiences with it back in middle school. HUGE bonus points from me for writing most of the stuff here both in English and in your native language! That's really cool.

All the best,
saint-images ~~saint-images 2022-09-10(Sat)17:06:53 No.61
mayuri_xmas.jpg (131.47KB, 1080x1080) Hello and thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to read my articles, friend! I'm very glad you could find something to relate to, it makes this whole thing all the more worthwhile. And yeah, I write in Spanish because I believe my language deserves to be used and not forgotten in this English-centered world! Although sadly I haven't translated everything yet.
By the way, I've always loved your site, but only recently decided to follow the sites I like using Neocities itself. And believe me when I say yours is one of my favorites, and a big inspiration.

Cheers! ~~cidoku ## Admin 2022-09-11(Sun)03:12:28 No.62