<script>alert('Hopefully this dont work.');</script>
~~Anox 2023-10-02(Mon)18:41:03
~~Anonymous ## Admin 2023-10-02(Mon)19:57:07
Is there anything big you'd like to add to your website or do you consider it basically finished?
I've seen some great work here already, but I know from personal experience that artists and developers tend to feel unsatisfied with their work (even as I typed this I felt a wave of depression roll over me thinking about my own crappy works...)
~~Anonymous 2023-09-25(Mon)08:55:48
Well, the design is pretty much done and I'm very happy with it. I don't plan to add any big sections, but I'd like to keep writing about things nobody cares about. Maybe keep working on my characters. Oh, and keep the server running. Yeah, it's basically done and there isn't anything else I can offer to the world. It's fine, no use worrying about it.
Nice tune, btw.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-09-25(Mon)22:29:40
Cool site bro, I like it
~~NeonFox 2023-09-21(Thu)12:43:25
I'm gonna do a sick cartwheel
~~Anonymous 2023-09-19(Tue)15:11:40
I went to my friends place when him and his GF were gone (he trusts me enough to give me a key). I know that his girl leaves earlier than him, but also gets home earlier, meaning there is an hour or two when she is alone, so I got out this large tub of butter they have, made myself a sandwich, and then melted a hole in it, a circular one, about the girth of a dick, all the way to the bottom. After that I cleaned up but left the butter out in plain view. My idea is that his girl will come home, encounter the enholed butter, and think that her boyfriend was having a wild time with the breadspread.
~~Anonymous 2023-09-10(Sun)16:49:47
So did it work? Keep us posted.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-09-11(Mon)12:59:30
>>223 I was expecting a chill the next time I showed up, but they seemed perfectly cordial. But I threw a can of beer in the trash can and I saw the tub of butter in there. I asked the girlfriend about it and she said it had grown mould; but I doubt that's true, since heat is antiseptic!
~~Anonymous 2023-09-13(Wed)12:23:07
vykt was here :>
~~vykt 2023-09-11(Mon)19:50:18
I was reminiscing about getting into flash, especially short flash loops, a few years back, which unfortunately happened near the end of its lifespan.  Most of what I've found has come from browsing /f/, on which I've sadly seen it's activity decrease year by year. I saw when you posted your Tyllop animation on there, and was happy to see any OC being made past its supposed death. After this i may have the motivation to try making something myself, probably only short loops for now since i cant draw... yet. 
I was wondering if you put much effort into collecting .SWF files on your computer. Basically, I found that I've collected 1800+ files (including duplicates and whatnot) and was wondering if i have the official right to brag about it
~~Anonymous 2023-09-02(Sat)07:45:09
Hey thank you for watching Tyllop, it feels like I made it forever ago now. I want to make another animation using my characters but life is hectic these days. Anyway, making flashes is easier than ever, and you can even reliably watch them using free software.
I have around 2100 flashes collected. I would say the average person has around zero flashes saved, so statistically speaking our collections are very significant, wouldn't you agree? However, if you MAKE flashes, your bragging rights will ascend to godlike levels! Good luck.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-09-02(Sat)13:38:37
Hi, cool website you got here. I like the design and the fact that I can open it on win95.
I should probably type up a list of websites I come across when I search for mentions of my own website, to give a little credit lol.
ryo best girl btw
~~skipster1337 2023-08-15(Tue)07:38:09
Post sites brah I want to explore the interwebz
~~Anonymous 2023-08-15(Tue)18:34:55
Hey skipster, thank you for passing by; your XP software guide was very useful.
You know, the thing about best girls is that some are better than others, and everyone has their own.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-08-17(Thu)13:45:23
C********** ** *** ***** **** **** ***o?
~~Anonymous 2023-08-11(Fri)16:42:01
Hi, Koshka.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-08-11(Fri)21:17:22
Why 4r3 7h3 g4ng574lk3r5 4lw4y5 0n my 455. F3d5 4r3 4 7hr347 70 0ur d3m0cr4cy. Th3y w1ll n3v3r r34l1z3 7h15.
~~Anonymous 2023-08-06(Sun)02:10:07
Where there's fire, it glows!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-08-06(Sun)15:17:13