Consider getting Tor hidden service! Unlike with https, no trusting "Certificate Authorities" needed!
~~Anonymous 2023-12-25(Mon)10:15:32
Christmas theme? Cool!
~~Anonymous 2023-12-07(Thu)08:52:05
A late reply as always, but happy solstice, anon!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-12-22(Fri)20:09:09
¡Hola cidoku!
Pasaba por acá y leí que te gustan las matemáticas entonces pensé en dejarte esta expresión en notación polaca como regalo :)
Mandale saludos a los demás de mi parte.
~~x86 2023-12-20(Wed)20:32:27
¡Saludos! Recuerdo haber visto esa notación hace muuuucho tiempo cuando recién empecé a estudiar lógica matemática y luego cuando estudié un poco de Forth. Pero esos tiempos ya quedaron atrás. Feliz solsticio.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-12-22(Fri)20:07:35
Hai Cidoku! Remember me, from Youtube? i got to fix the errors in the Earthbound Engine, though, i just wanted to know: i found these things in the code of the player called DX and DY, i never used anything like that, so i wanted to know how does it work and what is it lol
~~Alex_is_aNoob 2023-12-02(Sat)13:18:57
I'm too busy doing other stuff to give you more support with that old, barely usable Engine. All I can say to help you right now is to please just read the code and learn about logical operators.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-12-02(Sat)14:11:37
stumbled upon here this evening. I love browsing through cozy corners of the internet away from monetization and corporate control. Keep doing what you do. Much love
~~Anonymous 2023-11-29(Wed)15:27:47
And, you know, this site is in a very remote corner of the net. Right in the middle of the eastern Siberia of the clear web: some pockets of civilization here and there, but mostly unconquered nature. Who knows what kind of secrets lie in our beautiful taigas?
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-12-02(Sat)14:02:00
~~o.o 2023-12-02(Sat)01:29:04
I noticed a few issues on your website that would be super easy to fix. When do you have time to get on a quick call so that I can show you what you need to fix? I'd also be happy to fix them for you free of charge!
~~Todd Robertson 2023-11-25(Sat)18:13:31
sent ;)
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-25(Sat)18:48:48
Zap long and prosper!
~~Sneedhero 2023-11-24(Fri)09:00:55
Cool site. I'm no nostalgiafag though, I just legitimately feel that the aesthetic here is better than what we see nowadays. The internet feels like the internet here and that's a good thing, if you know what I mean. It doesn't feel like the all-consuming, attention-draining substitute for the real world that it feels like now.
~~Anon 2023-11-23(Thu)17:10:26
I'm glad my site makes you think that. I'm no nostalgiafag either, but I believe that it's only by heeding the lessons of the past that we can make the present better, as basic as that might sound. Don't live in the past, but don't forget it.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-23(Thu)22:33:48
(Gary Glitter Rock and Roll Pt 1 & 2)
Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll Rock and roll, rock, rock and roll Can you see where you call in the juke box hall When the music played And the world sang rounds to a pretty sound No sorrow base And them blue swede shoes, they will scream and shout Post truncated. Enter the thread to view.
~~Anonymous 2023-11-16(Thu)13:52:12