this site is cool, lots of cool stuff....keep up the good work, cant wait to see what else you put on here
~~Anonymous 2024-09-11(Wed)22:04:53
Thank you, kind anon.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-09-12(Thu)09:53:59
~~C 2024-09-10(Tue)21:58:33
This website is being monitored by the Burial Agency.
~~Seventh Member of the Burial Agency 2024-09-09(Mon)03:19:29
Oh, yeah? That's cool.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-09-09(Mon)11:59:14
It's people like puritan anon who give Christianity a bad rep, man.
~~Rex 2024-09-03(Tue)09:43:03
concerned Christian parent, sorry if it bothered you, i've seen people with some real zeal tear down falsehood and lies before and it leaves that kind of mark
~~jart shime 2024-09-08(Sun)01:53:55
hello. i checked out precure and i’m really concerned. the show disguises magic as innocent and harmless, but it’s actually rooted in demonic themes. even if it seems like fun, it promotes some serious dark ideas. there’s a lot of materialism and consumerism, with scenes focusing on shopping and enjoying crepes with friends, which push the idea of what a schoolgirl “should” be doing. plus, the outfits they wear are pretty revealing and emphasize body parts that should be kept modest. it could impact how viewers, especially younger ones, think about modesty and self-image. just wanted to give you a heads-up because i care about you and think it’s important to be aware of this stuff. i’m praying for you and hope you find clarity and peace.
~~Anonymous 2024-08-30(Fri)12:31:15
Creation was a magical act, you know? Demons are just losers.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-08-30(Fri)15:32:31
well put man. ive certainly been a loser enough to drift to their vibration quite a few times by now, what an eye opener! great image! best of luck to you, great site!
~~runningrint 2024-09-08(Sun)01:51:48
Jesus christ, what was wrong with that previous guy?
~~Rex 2024-09-03(Tue)09:40:48
visit for free money 100 thousand gazillion billion dollar prize now limited time offer hindi 2012 (or something.)
~~Miriai 2024-08-26(Mon)18:22:26
You've got a nice site there, but you have a weird way to promote it. I worry about you.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-08-26(Mon)18:37:41
"and edit them as you please using Furnace (recommended) o DefleMask."
I think you missed an R You better fix it before your stocks fall
~~Anonymous 2024-08-22(Thu)10:32:51
I fixed it but the site already lost half its value. It's tough out there
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-08-22(Thu)12:14:16
"Practise a language"
But I need my computer to practice language ;A;
I wonder if cidoku ever did follow up on his interest in learning 日本語, with its beautiful writing and all... if only to watch Pretty Cure in its God given intended language. You know, how some learn Latin just to read the Bible, but more Kawaii
~~長門ユキ 2024-08-11(Sun)14:49:19
I acknowledge and value the beauty of the Japanese language but I have little to no interest in learning it now and, besides, I can already watch Precure raw with what little I know. Oh, and thank you for reminding me to delete that article, as it was already unlisted and in dire need of a rewrite.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-08-11(Sun)16:20:33
I killed it -_-
I do hope to one day reach a point myself, where I can cringe at my older writings and believe I can do a lot better, so good on you I suppose.
Wah, that sounds impressive, but you could probably watch it muted and still catch at least half the plot 頑張ってるね
~~長門ユキ 2024-08-11(Sun)20:13:01
I wanted to thank you for following my website! Really love the layout here, and your mascot is super cute! wishing you well~
~~mochagatari 2024-08-05(Mon)19:22:10
Thank you. I saw your site on the activity page on Neocities and I followed you because your mascot is pretty. I'm a simple man. Cheers!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-08-06(Tue)08:11:52