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Paso por acá después de mucho tiempo. Un gusto ver que el sitio se ha llenado de mas contenido y visitas. Saludos y un cálido a abrazo. Atentamente: El soren7 ~~Soren 2023-11-15(Wed)05:14:41 No.249

IMG_20231113_221107.jpg (223.25KB, 720x685) What do you think about people's obsession with 'lore'? ~~Anonymous 2023-11-13(Mon)16:12:51 No.247
I'm not sure what you mean. I've never noticed such an obsession, so you'll have to provide me with some examples. If we're talking about fictional works, then I know some people who take canon very seriously, but that's it. In my opinion, much is better left unsaid, as everything benefits from mystery and awe. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-13(Mon)21:09:40 No.248

precure ~~Anonymous 2023-11-11(Sat)22:03:04 No.242
1401546603525.jpg (155.65KB, 827x697) OH YES, I LOVE THAT ONE ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-11(Sat)23:08:23 No.246

1444445736896.png (56.93KB, 256x256) Booked marked because of the doodles and tunes are nice. ~~Randomfag 2023-11-06(Mon)17:52:08 No.239
Thank you, anon. I don't even draw, so that's nice, and I hope you liked my latest tracks. :rose: ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-11(Sat)23:07:05 No.245

téléchargement.jpeg (6.65KB, 225x225) that's a cool webzite ~~xeshing 2023-11-10(Fri)17:03:38 No.241
mint_box.gif (459.12KB, 240x180) Where? May I see it? ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-11(Sat)23:04:21 No.244

b2219-K3wzEOVwdUhL.png (111.16KB, 230x345) It's nice to be here. ~~Cagan 2023-11-07(Tue)22:55:46 No.240
Hope you could make yourself comfortable, Lain guy. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-11-11(Sat)23:02:51 No.243

IMG_5758.jpeg (21.50KB, 300x411) “It's really a shame that there are so many Precure fans trying to dump this garbage on it”

Not angry, but I’m really super curious about what you mean by this :nyoron: ~~rex 2023-10-27(Fri)05:56:15 No.237
2023-01-29-135719_551x524_scrot.png (319.70KB, 551x524) Who knows? It's been a long time. I guess I meant that since the adult public usually expects dark, pessimistic, life-denying stuff at least since some other shows made it the standard, and Precure is the total opposite, I believe it's wrong to apply that standard to it; it's fine as it is. Or something like that. :thonk: ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-10-27(Fri)11:52:46 No.238

trashyliketv.png (809.08KB, 696x692) If you want good sensual Engrish vocals on a trippy beat, listen to 'Sugar Water' by Cibo Matto, and 'Trashy Like TV' by Laila France ~~Anonymous 2023-10-15(Sun)13:12:01 No.235
Gotta love trip-hop. I wonder if that kind of music is still being made nowadays; I haven't been paying attention. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-10-15(Sun)16:01:19 No.236

hi :) ~~vincent 2023-10-15(Sun)11:14:16 No.233
Hello. ~~cidoku ## Admin 2023-10-15(Sun)12:57:25 No.234

cool drip effects :perfect: ~~Anonymous 2023-10-13(Fri)20:52:34 No.232