Me parece bien este sitio me gusta
~~... 2024-06-30(Sun)15:33:44
¡Gracias por pasarte!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-07-02(Tue)00:32:41
I quite enjoyed perusing this site, lots to read and look through. Love the site layout too; less can definitely be more. You seem like a very cool person. 
I'll watch precure when i eventually finish doremi, the other magical girl anime for 8 year olds.
~~V 2024-06-22(Sat)18:14:05
Simple is best, isn't it? Thank you for the nice Koshi Andou flash; you're the first one to upload a swf to the guestbook. As for Precure, I hope you enjoy it, because it's very different from Doremi! Precure takes the tokusatsu influences to their logical end, while remaining genuine mahou shoujo. It's nice.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-06-23(Sun)13:51:50
Yw for the Koshiandoh Flash, I just had a bunch of those lying around my drive; they're a favorire of mine.
Out of curiousity, i tried viewing your site on my 3DS, and it works! Even let's me attach images from it which is surprising.
~~V 2024-06-24(Mon)22:32:29
I really love your site. We seem to be very similar. I especially appreciate how you are keeping Flash alive. I used to use it back in the day and want to eventually get back into it before I forget all the knowledge I have buried in my subconscious. I love that you're making your own cast of "stars" as well. I only have one which is my site's mascot right now, but would love to make a cast like that of my own!
I'm adding a link to your site from mine. Keep making the internet a more awesome place!
~~Amlux 2024-06-22(Sat)18:22:23
I already told you this via e-mail, but thank you for the good vibes. I visited your site and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I'm gonna link back to you soon. Making a better internet is a team effort. Cheers!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-06-23(Sun)18:57:55
Hey there, my name is Tim and I just wanted to let you know that your Earthbound engine was used as my first delve into gamedev way back in 2018. I remember sitting in the engineering center at my college and finding it, downloading it, and fumbling around aimlessly in it for a good while. I've since moved on to using Godot and making my own game from scratch (besides the Godot engine, obviously), but if it wasn't for you and your engine, I may have never started.
Despite that being 6 years ago at this point, I'm not very far in my game's development as I tend to take long breaks between inspiration (this last break was a literal year without doing anything at all). I think a lot of hobbyists could relate. I'm also a full-time engineer now with lots else on my plate, so...that doesn't help. However, if I ever do finish my game (c. ~2050 at this rate?) I'll be sure to credit you in the special thanks.
Feel free to delete this part if its not allowed, just thought in case you were interested to know...: If you'd like to follow my journey, I've started r/TeaMothInc where I will be posting updates later on. It's empty right now as in my game I've opted to use some placeholder assets by other people for the time being while I grind the coding and make the first batch of pre-production content. Once it actually LOOKS original, I'll be sure to put stuff up. I also am known as PIZZA_ALERT on the Godot forums, but that's really just me continuously fumbling thru dev and asking boring questions about what I'm doing wrong.
Anyways, thank you again for all you do in the gamedev community!
~~Tim 2024-06-20(Thu)14:09:18
Hey Tim, thanks for passing by. I must admit I never know how to react to messages like this. When I first released the Engine I never expected it to be very useful or for it to even reach that many people, so to hear my humble project helped you kickstart your game development (and that you see it as a good thing) makes me very happy.
By the way, you made a good decision moving to Godot; I enjoy that engine a lot. A few years ago I was planning to remake the Earthbound Engine in Godot because it's much better than Game Maker (not to mention it's free software) and my programming skills matured, but being so scatterbrained as I am I quickly moved on to other stuff, as you can see on this here site. I wish you the best of luck for you to finish your project before 2050; persevere and be strong! I also have some projects of my own, but working on projects is more fun than finishing them, hahaha.
The late Terry Davis, the creator of TempleOS, once said: "Don't play games, make them". I really feel that.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-06-20(Thu)16:22:58
This is one my favourite websites out there! Not sure how I found it but it's been in my bookmarks for about 2 years now. Will definitely keep coming back! Also, integrating a mini imageboard as a guestbook is genius, haven't seen this done before. Linked to here from my website
~~yuzat 2024-06-18(Tue)08:35:19
Heh, thanks for passing by and for linking to me! I visited your site and it's nice, too. I was using HTML Comment Box for the guestbook at first, but 1. it didn't work on vintage browsers and 2. it relied on a third party. I figured that an imageboard -a tried and true format- would work just fine if not better with some adaptations of my own, and here we are. Cheers!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-06-20(Thu)15:08:29
Hey man, just came across this site going through some old bookmarks. We used to be mutuals back when Formspring used to be a thing, 5 username changes ago. I still even have some of your albums on an old drive. I was very immature and don't talk to anyone from back then, but I'm still happy to remember you and, even with that talk about "The End", hope you're doing well nevertheless. ¡Saludos desde México!
~~I Was Cruncle 2024-06-10(Mon)04:29:12
Hey! I'm always glad to hear about old fs acquaintances. I'm doing just fine again today, moving forward in life and working on a lot of projects to keep myself busy. Hope you're doing well too! Oh, by the way, all the talk about "the end" is just to give the site some flavour, although I must admit I'm quite fascinated by impermanence. ¡Saludos dsede Chile!
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-06-19(Wed)09:28:37
hello. i noticed you reference occult things a lot on your site, and i would like to share the knowledge i possess with you. having had prior occult involvement and demonic encounters, i have received revelation as to the true nature of Jesus as Lord and Savior, incarnate of our Living God, and much more. please consider the nature of the occult and it's ties to the demonic, and the entirely pure unto oppressively radiant nature of our one true God. i pray you find the knowledge of God to be a pleasant and fruitful thing, and that any ties to the occult and demonic nature leaves your life as soon as you know it is truly to be gone from you. May our God pour out His love for you to bring transformation.
~~augustedade 2024-06-13(Thu)07:18:18
The occult is only demonic if you literally cohort with demons like Aleister Crowley did, follow the magic system of the Dragon Rouge or similar modern grimoires, or are a straight-up brain-dead theistic Satanist. Now again you're most likely Christian, so any entity besides angels and God is a demon to you; I don't believe that is fair towards the massive diversity of Creation, so, although I respect where you're coming from and thank you for your good wishes, I can't align with your values.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-06-13(Thu)12:43:39
I find it quite based that you manage to translate your website, thus I am stealing the idea for a plethora of languages (starting with French as I'm learning it, but I'll obviously make translations for German, Spanish, etc). Also, Flash works on Wii browser *with* audio so since this site almost definitely works on it, I will have to test it out soon. If it works, I will be loving this website even more.
~~King Digital Cheese I 2024-05-04(Sat)21:54:24
Translating the site takes a lot of effort, but I think it's worth it. "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
You should totally test my site on the wii and tell me if it works (post a screenshot if you can). Most of my swfs target flash player 7 (except Tyllop, which I haven't converted yet), so you should be good if the wii browser supports flash 7, which I believe it does. I target flash player 7 because it's the last one that supports windows 95, by the way.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-05-04(Sat)23:24:34
What is your opinion on the Franks?
~~Anonymous 2024-04-30(Tue)10:41:13
None at all. Avoiding the obvious pun takes restraint.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-04-30(Tue)19:09:13
Hoolaaaa tu web mola mucho y me ha gustado mucho :biggring: tu post sobre el calendario natural (vengo de thricegreat, aunque creo que me voy a quedar un poco mas xq tienes muchas cosas guays) y he notado que en tu estampa de "Discord? NO WAY!" no tienes ningun enlace y yo he visto a mucha gente enlazar esta pagina: tipo y en ella misma esta la estampa, solo por si quieres y tal no tienes que hacerlo...
~~Lupen 2024-04-26(Fri)04:53:37
¡Gracias por pasarte! Sí, supongo que tienes razón en que podría enlazar a Spyware Watchdog en el botón de discord. Igual estaba pensando en quitar ese y el de twitter de la página, con tal de solo tener cosas que me agradan allí y no cosas que no, pero ya veremos qué se cuece. Total twitter y discord son temporales; es para siempre.
~~cidoku ## Admin 2024-04-26(Fri)14:16:12